Chapter 6- Listen to Me

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The day goes on. I've tried so many times to talk to Gabe but he just made an excuse & walked away. I finally just give up.

I walk into my last period class on time for once. I sit in my seat peacefully until I hear a loud smack on my desk.

I look up to see a girl about 5'5", with curly brown hair, dove gray eyes, really skinny, pink lips, pointy nose, palish/tannish skin, & dressed in all pink. Prep definitely -_-.

"Can I help you with something?" I ask sweetly.

"Actually I want to help you," she says sitting next to me. "Seeing as you have no friends & all. I want to be your friend. My names Day, short for Dayna."

"My names Patrice." I say.

"Yeah, I know. Everyone knows your name."

I give Day a confused look.

"You're the talk of the hallway!" Day says. "Gabe is really popular & since you were his 'sister' you became somewhat popular too."

I roll my eyes at the thought of Gabe. I'm upset he told me he's in love with me & then ignored me all day.

Just then Gabe walks in & plops in his seat which is unfortunately behind me. Day smiles & says "Meet me at your locker after school."Then returns to her regular seat. I feel eyes boring into the back of my skull, I already know who it is, so I just ignore it.

The teacher starts teaching about the solar system or whatever.

About halfway through the lesson, I still feel eyes staring at the back of my skull. I turn around & see Gabe not removing his state.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" I whisper yell.

Gabe smirks & says "Because I can."

I roll my eyes & turn around.

The bell rings about 20 minutes later.

I gather my stuff & walk to my locker to find Day waiting for me there.

"Hi again!" Day chirps.

I wave & open my locker.

"Gabe is in love with you..." Day says.

"I know, he kind of told me earlier..." I say.

"Do you love him back?" Day asks.

"I don't know, when we kissed-"

"YOU GUYS KISSED ?!?!" Day exclaims receiving weird looks from people.

"Shhhh..." I say, she nods & beacons me on to continue.

"When we kissed, the second time, there was some type of emotion there. But I don't know what it was." I say.

"Maybe love..." Day says. I sigh she's not making this any easier.

"I seriously doubt it." I say. Then Gabe walks over.

"Patrice, can I talk to you? *Gabe looks at Day* Alone?" Gabe asks.

"Sure," Day says. "Call me later Patrice." Day says giving me her number.

Day & I hug then she walks away.

"Get your stuff & let's go." Gabe says.

I get my stuff & follow Gabe to his car & get in. We buckle up & drive off.

"So...." I say.

"As you already know, I'm in love with you." Gabe says glancing at me in the corner of his eye.

And I Will Always HATE You...!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora