Chapter 2 - You Make Me Sick

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My alarm clocks blaring. I shut it off & slide out the bed dreadfully. I grab some clothes & head to the bathroom. I do my morning routine (use the bathroom, brush my teeth, & wash my face), take a shower & get dressed. Today I decide to wear black skinny jeans, a black long sleeve v-neck that has a white deathbat with the name of the band Avenged Sevenfold around it on the front, & all black converse. I brush my hair down & put a black & whit skull bow in it. I gather my things together & walk downstairs t the kitchen where Debby & Gabe were sitting at the table talking.

"Hey guys." I say smiling sitting down next to Debby.

"Hey Trice," Debby says "Awesome bow. Isn't her bow nice, Gabe?"

"Mhm." Gabe mumbles rolling his eyes at me.

"Well, I'm gonna head to school." I say gathering my stuff.

"Hey Gabe, you & Patrice should ride to school together. Might give you 2 a better chance to kno each other." Debby says.

"But mom!" Gabe whines.

"No buts, Gabriel. I'll see you 2 after school." Debby says.

Gabe reluctantly got his stuff together as we said our goodbye's to Debby.

"Let's go." Gabe says to me in an aggravated tone.

I follow him to his car & get in. We buckle up & drive off. It's silent in the car so, I decide to break the silence & talk. Stupid me...

"So, do you have a favorite band?" I ask Gabe.

He glances out of the corner of his eye at me & sighs.

"How can I say this in the nicest way possible?" Gabe says. "Oh yeah. Shut the hell up. I hate you. The world would be so much better if you just lay down & die."

I laugh & he looks at me confused then pays attention to the road again.

"Is that the best you've got?" I say. "I've seriously heard worse.."

"Whatever Just shut the fuck up." Gabe growls.

I roll my eyes & take out my iPod. I plug my earphones in my ears & turn my iPod on. Then I listen to the first song that comes on : Second Heartbeat by:Avenged Sevenfold. I blast it & bop my head to the music while Gabe glances at me like i'm a retard or something.

We finally get to school a couple minutes later. I get out the car, slam the door & walk in school with my headphones still in ignoring people who stare.

I walk to my locker & open it. I get my stuff out & slam my locker reciving glares from people. But, I couldn't here how loud I slammed it, so if it''s not bothering me it shouldn't be bothering them. I feel eyes boring into my back. I turn around to see slutty cheerleaders giving me the evil eye. I sigh & snatch my headphones  out.

"Do you guys have a problem?" I say to the cheerleaders.

"Yeah, you." The cheerleader named Rebecca says flipping her light brown hair.

"Oh, well I guess you'll have to get over it." I say smirking evily.

The cheerleaders look at me in discust. I laugh pop my headphones in & walk away. Stupid bitches. I walk into my 1st period/homeroom knowing that I was super early. If you're wondering today's monday by the way. I walk in the classroom & it's empty. No suprise there. I sit in my normal seat in the back & look around & nothing specifically. Until the door opens. It's the guy who always stares at me. I look at him for a brief second befor putting my head down. He sits in his usual seat & stares at me. I feel uncomfortable so I snatch my headphones out my ears & stare back at him. He doesn't break his stare. After a while I get annoyed & look away. He chuckles & then the bell rings filling the class up with students who are talking loudly. The teacher walks in a couple seconds later.

"SILENCE!" the teacher (Ms.Humphrey) yells.

The class goes silent & everyone takes there seats & pay attention to Ms.Humphrey. She starts teaching about how we're going to be writing an essay about why people should be treated equal. This should be intresting.*** In the middle of the lesson Ms.Humphrey called me up in front of the class. I reluctantly get up & walk in front of the class.

"Now class," Ms.Humphrey says. "Have any of you tried to be friends with our new student, Patrice, over the past few days?"

"I don't hang with emos." A jock yells from the back.

Mostly everyone broke out in laughter.

"Settle down!" Ms.Humphrey yells. Eveyone is silent again.

"First of all I'm not emo. & I like the way I am. If you don't want to hang with me, I sure as hell probably don't want to hang with you either. So you can take your dumbass comments & go shove them up your ass.  Kay?" I say to the jock.

He glares at me & I laugh.

"Patrice, that is no way for you to speak." Ms.Humphrey says.

"He called me emo. So I was only defending myself." I say innocently.

Ms.Humphrey shakes her head & says "Just go back to your seat."

"Gladly." I say & then I walk back to my seat.

This should be a long day..


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