Razor blades and lyrics Chapter 6...

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Giovanni (The sexys) POV


My heavy eye lids lifted as the soft sound reached my ears.  Memories of last night flooded my mind and i reached over the other side of the bed, only to feel nothing. Jolting upright, my eyes scanned the room frantically.

The soft sobs were coming from the bathroom. Creeping in a see Zander curled up in a ball in one corner, his phone in one hand, a razor in the other, blood pouring from one neat cut on his left wrist. He looked at me, his crystal blue eye and his forest green one stared straight into mine, as the tears fell. Dropping to my nears i scooped him into my arms, him clinging to me with all his might, burying his face in the crook of neck, our chests bare.

Lifting him up with me, his legs wrapped around my waist like a small, fragile child as i grabbed a washcloth to clean his arm. Plopping him onto his bed, I washed his arm, the whole time his eyes never left my face.

"I-I'm S-sorry Gio" He wept. I wiped the tears from his face. "Why kid?" I asked, the pain in his eyes killing my from the inside. I couldn't stand to see him like this. So broken and alone. He isn't alone anymore, and the sooner he realises this, the sooner he can stop feeling like he has to take everything out on him self. He shoved his phone into my hands. "H-hes out. H-hes coming f-for me Gio. Hes g-gonna get me a-again." A huge sobbed racked his whole body as he fell to the floor crying. I read the text message over and over.

Hey Fag-boy. Guess what? I'm coming for you. Yeah that's right, I'm out, I'm free, and nothing can stop me from getting to you now fairy cake, and this time, i wont leave you until your last breath is out. I also feel a bit deprived, so that would be nice too...

See you soon honey, 

Your boyfriend, Terry. <3 



Zander's POV :'( <3 


I was surrounded by warmth, and for the first time in many years.. I felt safe. My eyes opened to reveal the most beautiful man i have ever laid my eyes upon. His short blond hair messy from sleep, his icy eyes closed, denying me the pleasure of looking into his glowing orbs.

Our legs were tangled and his arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his chest in a loving, comforting embrace. Our bare chests together, only wearing our boxers to stop every inch of our bodies touching. The thoughts of last night and the proximity were turning me on again, so i quietly untangled my self from Giovanni, and crept into the bathroom, grabbing my phone on the way.

Once i had shut the door, i opened my messages, expecting it to be from Karen, asking how i was, only to freeze, Oh my god. Hes here. He's coming for me. I finally thought i might be able to get away from it all...and he is here. My face wet, and my body shaking with fear and emotion, i did the only thing that i could think to stop the thoughts of him from taking over my body.

I took the blade and made one, deep incision in my wrist, my eyes closing from the feeling. The pain was comforting and for a moment all of my thought vanished.. Until my eyes landed back on the name at the end of the message. I put the blade back to my wrist, preparing for another slice, when a light groan caught my attention.


After all he has done for me, after how he has helped me, i am going back to how i was before. I was going back to how that b*stard made me feel about my self. I dropped my hand away from my other and just cried, until i felt his presence next to me. His eyes were confused, hurt, sad, and disappointed. I couldn't take the pain that the last one brought upon me, and i sobbed rather loudly. Arms cradled me, and lifted me into the air. I could feel his warm skin on mine, and leaned into him, that safe feeling sweeping over me once again.

"I-I'm S-sorry Gio"  I cried, as he gently wiped the tears from my face with one finger. He looked straight at me "Why kid?" He asked, the clear desperation breaking my heart. I pushed my phone into his hands as i fell to the floor crying once more  "H-hes out. H-hes coming f-for me Gio. Hes g-gonna get me a-again." I sobbed.

I watched his face as his eyes scanned the message again and again. The rage in his face got stronger and stronger each time. He turned his furious gave to me, making me wince slightly, causing his gave to soften just a little. "Now you listen to me Zander" He said, his voice stern, yet caring. Our eyes met and i held his gaze, he dropped onto his knees in front of me and took my hands into his

"He is NOT going to get you, I will not allow it, He will have to get through me first Z. We will go to the police, and we will tell them everything," He said, and went to pull me towards him. My heart quickened and my eyes widened.

"NO!" I shouted, panicked "You can't go to the police! I know Terry, we will have already informed people about this, and if they don't hear from him in a certain amount of time, they will come and do it for him. He has done it before Gio" I replied sadly.

The hope in his eyes drained away, and left his eyes confused..and almost.. Helpless. The hard, determined look returned suddenly and he pulled me to my feet with him

"Trust me Zander, i will not let him do anything to you. Over my dead body. Believe me" He said, and as i was pulled into a hug, i caught a glimpse of his glistening eyes, the tears were hardly noticeable, but they were there.

He was my castle, my strength, my hope.. And i did trust him, but with those last words, a feeling of dread settled in my heart. 


Weeeelllll Howdy-dudey :D How's y'all doin?

Sorry it took so long, Harry's case was this week and i have been feeling really down. :'(

The bastard that murdered him has been sentenced. Life. And he has to serve a minimum of 20 years.. So glad.. But alas, it will not bring my Hazza back :'( <3 RIP Nipper <3 (His nickname, which will be included somewhere in this story btw) 

On a happier note, I will be posting another chapter REALLY soon. It will only be short,  Very short in fact, (As in, a short one maybe 2 persons POV) but then shortly after there will be another (Short) one, (One on the week end and one on maybe Tuesday) and then next weekend a longer one :) Woooo go me! :P I'm feeling generous at the moment :)

Hope you enjoyed it, and yes, there will be some other POV's soon.. Very soon indeed... ;)

TTFN, Ta ta for now!

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