Razor blades and lyrics... Boyxboy Romance.

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Okay.. Not writen a Boyxboy before.. Writen other stories (NO ONE SHALL EVEN READ THEM!!! MUAHAHAHA!) So, i thought i would have a go at one.. They are my FAVORITE type so yeah, Enjoy :)

REMINDER: This is a romance between TWO GUYS, So if you don't like that type of thing, P-off and don't read it, and if i get any homophobic comments, i will set elmo on you to remove your crudentials. And that's a promise.


- Zander's POV -

The feel of the cold metal as it danced across my pale skin, and the sheer thrill as i watched my crimson blood slowly trickling down my wrist, made the tears that little bit faster. The memories where too much, He was back, I can't stay here any longer... He will come for me... I had no wish to go to sleep as they would only come back to haunt me. But my body was giving in, it all became too much as I slipped into an unconscious state, the blood still seeping out of the numerous cuts on my left wrist. My body slumped off of the cold park bench, and onto the damp grass below as my mind began to relive the horrors of the last 3 years...


"ZANDER!!!" His angry voice boomed, echoing throughout the building. My eyes closed as a single tear slipped out, making its way down my face. He's here.  Oh god, Terry...Not tonight... I thought. I straightened up and plastered a fake smile on my face as I walking it to the dark living room. "Hey babe, great to see you" I said, getting up onto my tip toes to kiss his cheek. He grinned, the stench of alcohol on his breath reached my nose, the foul smell repulsing me as he kissed my full on the lips. "The lads are here, go and get 5 soda's kid." He pushed me into the kitchen where I got what he requested and took them into them on a tray. As I was handing them out, i lost my footing, cola spilling all over Terry's trousers. He let out a war cry, his eyes blood shot and angry. "You little-!!" He smacked me hard across my face, and then repeatedly punched me in my stomach, arms and chest. I held in my screams of pain even though I just wanted to cry out I agony, as I knew this would just make him more angry. His friends cheered him on as he continued to beat my helpless figure that lay broken on the living room floor.

He then started to remove my clothing, with wide eyes I tried to fight back, yelling for him to stop, but this only resulted in him punching me hard around the face. "You little fag! Let’s see if this makes you cry and scream like the little pussy that you are!" He growled in my ear. The tears streamed down my face, as he proceeded in forcefully taking the one thing that I had left, the one thing that I though he would never take from me...My virginity.  His friends stood around, cheering him on.. He let them each have a go with me; he let them each abuse my body in whichever way they wished. When they were finally all done, my body started to relax just slightly. It's all over now Z, They are done... I tied to reassure myself. 

Spoke to soon. The pain that filled my body was immense, and I screamed out in complete agony as the blade was dragged across y body, from my left shoulder to my right hip. The blood poured out of the deep wound, as he made another going from the opposite shoulder down to me left hip. I had an X over my chest, the deep cuts stinging, the blood gushing. The last things I remember were them all laughing, and Terry, my so called Boyfriend slashing my face, where my right eye was closed. "Just as I though. A fucking pussy." As he spat those words out, I heard the sirens...  my vision started to blur, the tears still continued to fall, as it all went black... 

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