Razor blades and lyrics- chapter 5

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Zanders POV

Oh. My. God. I have NEVER met a guy who is so hyper! I really like Harry, he is so cute and funny. He has a motor mouth... I swear, he doesn't take any breaths while he is talking. Today has been super fun, Harry begged us to go to the park and went running straight for the swings and ended up face first on the floor after triping over some little kid who was playing with a toy car on the floor. He got back up again, ignoring the crying toddler and jumped onto the swing. Yes. He really is THAT small.

After about 5 minutes, he complained of being bored and ran off to get a great big bag of Doritos from the corner shop. While we all laughed and talked, we saw a small boy being picked on by a bunch of huge muscley guys. Hary suddenly exclaimed "Oh no they did-untt!" and went striding over with me and Gio hot on his heals. "Oi! Dick weed! Leave the kid alone you f*cking giant piece of sh*t!" he yelled.

The biggest of the guys turned round sharply and glared daggrs at cute little Hary who stood with his hands on his hips and his chin held high, an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. "what the f*ck did you call me!?* he howled, quickly stomping his way over to us. Harry let out an extremely unmanly schreek "Oh my f*ckin lanta! Save me, yo!" he cried and jumped back behind me.

I stepped forward to shield him from the brute coming quickly towards us but Giovanni pulled me out of the way. "Don't be fooled, just watch. He is a great fighter, the best at our old school... One of the dirtiest fighters too." he said, winking. I stepped away as the huge kid came towards Harry and pushed him backwards "you think that you can just mouth off to me?! Come on then you little fag. Fight me!" he shouted.

Harry stood up straight now "meh, alright then" he said shrugging abd crouched down to the floor "come on big guy, give me all you've got" he said grining evily. The dude roared and launched him self at Harry, who swung his legs round knocking the boys.legs from under him, and then started to do some crazy ninja sh*t, getting hits all over the guys body, Who was lying on he ground and could only try and defend himself from the blows. He failed misserably might i add.

"Oh come on! At least try, it's no fun when there is no competition." Harry huffed, crossing his arms and pouting, lookimg like a little puppy eho had jus been told off. The guy growled and swung his left arm round wildly, hitting Harry's arm. That looked like a hard hit, but he didn't even flinch, just rolled his eyes and punched the dude square in the face. The guy groaned and fell back to thr floor, clean out.

"Man. He was worse than when i used to have mock fights with my little sister" he grumbled as he made his way ovrr to us."what!?" he said, obviously noticing my shocked expresion. "Just cause i'm small, peolple think im a wimp" he grumbled to himself before turning and waving Frantically at the small boy who was now stood alone in the middle of the park. No thugs surrounding him. He slowly raised his hand and waved back and shouted a shakey 'thanks' before Harry let out yet another unmanly shriek and pulled me and Gio off in another direction.

The rest of the day passed by quickly, us laughing and messing around, and Harry being his hyper self. We went to the cinemas abd then to pizza hut. We even went bowling afterwards, and Giovanni didn't let me pay for a single thing. Damn him and his sweetness! Damn him for being so hot and sexy. And thoee abs... And his beautifully sculpted featues... The feel of his warm hands in my bare flesh... The way he held.me close.to his body... The feel of his- No! Bad Zander! naughty thoughts were coming up right there!

Yeah, anyway. I had a great say and really got to know Harry, and more about Gio. Harry suddenly said that he really hsd to go, because he was going roundbto see his mom and help her with a few things around the house, so we said our good byes (which took about half an hour mind you, he has a VERY strong grip!) and then Gio and I got back in his car and made our way back to his place. He helped mr unload my new things from the mall and then we made dinner.

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