"So girl, I got some tea for you." I smiled as I focused my attention on Aria.

"Oh gosh," she stated as she got comfortable on the couch, sitting criss cross. "Spill it all." Kennedy was just as zoned in and I didn't care. The tea I was about to spill would probably bother her.

"So tell me why Chris has a baby."

Aria got wide eyed as Kennedy's mouth dropped. "W-what?" Kennedy stuttered.

I paid no attention to her as I waited for Aria's response. "You lying? By who?"

"Casey," I let out. "That Landon used to deal with."

Aria looked like her eyes were popping out of their eye socket. "Bitchhhhhhh!"

"Okayyyyy!" I let out a slight smile on my face for all this tea.

"He's trash as fuck." Kennedy let out shaking her head.

Aria laughed as she looked at her, "we already knew that. That just further confirmed it."

"Damn," Kennedy started. "Knowing how much of a hot head Landon is I know that friendship is probably dead as fuck."

I nodded my head, finding myself agreeing with her. I damn sure would be done with somebody over that.

"I still can't believe that shit," Aria let out.

I sighed, "I know right, but what you got planned for the day?" I questioned changing the subject.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Shit, this." She laughed as she opened her arms showcasing she'd be chilling at her place. "What you got planned?"

I looked down at my phone, pressing the lock button to light it up so I could see the time. "Doing a late lunch, early dinner with Jasmine. That's it though, probably get up with Jodie."

"Okay, I see you and Jodie." Aria said with a smirk, "who is Jasmine?" She questioned.

I saw Kennedy's eyebrows go in. "Jasmine that Chris played me for?"

I nodded my head while I looked at Aria, "what she said."

Aria looked from Kennedy to me, I could tell it was awkward as hell for her right now. "O-okay."

"Really Mink?" Kennedy questioned. I could hear her voice crack as if she was hurt. This caused me to look at her.

"Really what?" I questioned. Cause she was the last one to be able to talk about anything when it came to shit, well anything.

"Mink I'm sorry okay!" Her voice was shaky, "I'm sorry. I did some fucked up things, I get it. How much more of this do you expect me to be able to take? I'm trying to repair this friendship but it's like," she paused for a second as she sniffed. Her eyes watery but wasn't shit falling from them. "It's like you're just trying to get back at me."

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion before I laughed. Get back at her? She had to be delusional. One thing I wasn't was revengeful, vengeance was the Lord's not mine.

"Kennedy, have you ever known me to be revengeful?" I questioned with seriousness.

"No but -"

"No," I cut her off. "Never. So don't even try me with that bullshit. Nothing that I decide to do has anything to do with you. I have no intentions to hurt you, because quite frankly I don't fuck with you like that no more and in that same breath I have no intent to make you happy with what I do in my life because, I don't fuck with you like that no more. You catch my drift?"

She wiped her eyes as tears had actually fallen. "Mink I don't want to lose you as a friend."

I shook my head as Aria sat there looking sad. "And Kennedy I never thought there would be a day that you would. But you didn't see me as a friend. You couldn't have, because the way you moved and the decisions you made, made it clear."

"Mink I fucked up."

"More than once Kennedy! You chose everyone over me every time! There's no hard feelings. I don't hate you. I just don't fuck with you. Keeping you at a distance."

"So you're done with me?"

I laughed. She was sounding like she was my girl or something. "Yes, at least for now. Not saying we might not be cool down the line but right now out of everybody that I fuck with you were supposed to have my back the most and you're the one who had it the least."

It got silent as we sat there I sighed as I stood up, I was over this conversation and was over the energy in the room. "Well I'm going to head to the apartment, and just chill before I go to this late lunch. Aria I'll hit you."

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