✏️Chapter Seven✏️

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Hey, guys, can you believe I'm back and it's been a month since I've updated and I'm so sorry, I just been busy with my main account and trying to finish up some stories on there. I also have been thinking about the next chapter for this story. That's how Zarry looks now. Chapter dedicated to Rosqas adrianpestalozzi hope you guys enjoy it love ❤️
Three Months later

It's been three months since Zayn and Harry kissed, and things has been awkward since then. Zayn kept his distance the rest of the summer. Today, is the last day of summer and tomorrow is the first day of school. Harry is nervous because he'll be the new kid, what will people think of him? Will people like him?

A lot has changed since Zayn and Harry's kiss, his hair grew longer and his piercings are gone. He only have his tattoos, even his style has changed. A pair of skinny jeans and white t-shirts are his signature clothes.

Harry and Liam has kept in touch, Liam thinks Harry should face Zayn and tell him about his feelings about the kiss, but Harry is too stubborn and afraid. Zayn on the other hand, he's avoiding the talk or any interaction with his officially step brother. Zayn even changed his hair color back to black, he doesn't want any reminder of his step brother. Their parents wedding is next month so there's no way he'll be able to be more than just step brothers with Harry.

"I mean, you can't avoid him forever Zayn," Zayn sighed, running his hand over the back of his neck. He knows that his best friend is right, but what's the point in even talking about it, their parents are getting married next month, they'll officially be stepbrothers.

"Louis, there's no point in talking about it, we're fine just the way we're." Zayn sighs loudly wanting to drop the subject.

"Yeah, every time Harry's around, you start to panic not knowing what to do." Louis said glaring at his best friend through the camera. Louis was away visiting his grandparents.

"I don't panic," Zayn pouted folding his arms across his chest. Louis chuckled and rolled his eyes at his drama king best friend.

"Zayn, please, we've been best friends and practically fucked the whole time we were best friends, I know when you're panicking," Zayn groaned and rolled his eyes, he felt like pulling his hair, but what's the use of doing that, it's not like it's going to solve anything, right?

"I wish you were here to be by distraction, fuck," Louis raised his brows, he knew what Zayn meant, but it was time for them to stop fooling around with each other and find someone that they actually want to be with.

"Zayn, I'm throwing in my towel, we've been fucking long enough and it's time to stop. I'm not saying I'm tired of you, I'm saying we need to save the rest of ourselves for someone we want to be with." Zayn snickered, really? Louis wants Zayn to stop fucking him? What has Zayn's life has come to?

"Ugh, why does my life always have to be so shitty?" Zayn whines, just as Louis was about to respond, there was a knock on his door.

"Your life isn't shitty Zayn, you just have to find the person you want to be with, I found mine, hopefully. That hot best friend of Harry's." Louis smirks raising his brows up and down.

"Grr," Zayn growled and the sound of knocking appeared again.

"Zayn," He heard the sound of his stepbrothers husky tone, his brown eyes widened. Harry hasn't knocked on his door since they kissed, which was three months ago.

"Looks like you're needed," Louis teases through the camera. Zayn rolled his eyes for the tenth time today. He opened the door, Harry stood there shirtless and his tattoos visible. Zayn wanted to punch Harry for coming to his room like this. Louis eyes widened through the camera as Zayn let Harry into his room.

"C-Can I help you?" Zayn asked, eyes never leaving Harry's toned body.

"I need to u-um ask you a question?" Harry said nervously as he sat on Zayn's bed.

"S-Sure," Zayn said tearing his gaze from Harry's toned body. Louis chuckled, Harry smiled and waved at the camera.

"Hi Harry," Louis said with a cheeky smile.

"Hi," Harry blushed, Zayn glared at Louis, but Louis was too busy staring at Harry's visible body and tattoos.

"Ah, Ahem, what was the question?" Zayn asked breaking the two from their trance. Well, more like Louis from his trance.

"Oh, yeah, Liam said he wanted to throw in his towel, do you know what that mean? He said he doesn't want to have u-um you know anymore? I don't know why, but ever since he saw Louis, that's all he been talking about," Harry frowns. Zayn's eyes widened and so did Louis. Louis was shock, Harry's best friend has a crush on him.

"Oh, um, that means he wants to stop having sex with you. Not that you're not good or anything, he just wants to save himself for someone special. Not that you aren't special, you're special at least to me," Zayn said and sure as hell wanted to slap himself for saying that out loud.

"Really?" Harry beamed as his eyes went wide.

"Y-yeah," Zayn muttered. What the fuck has he done? Why does he always say stupid shit?

"Because you're stupid hiding how you really feel and now you're telling on yourself," Zayn's subconscious agrues. Zayn rolled his eyes, but he knows his subconscious is right.

"Thanks, you're special to me too Zee, anyway, Liam thinks we should talk about the kiss, I don't want to thou. He thinks I'm being stubborn by avoiding you." Harry tells Zayn, but Zayn doesn't say anything, what can he say? Hey, Harry, I love you and I want to be more? Fuck no, he's his stepbrother for crying out loud.

"I think Liam is right, you two should talk about it," Louis suggested. They both frowned and glared at Louis. Neither of them wanted to talk about the kiss, I mean, why? It was three fucking months ago.

"I only came to ask you a question, and I got my answer, thanks Zayn. Mum says dinner is almost ready, bye Louis," Harry said quickly and left. He headed hack to his room and slams the door.

"You two are un fucking believable, it's clearly that both of you have feelings for each other, but too afraid to admit it. By the way, Harry got hotter the fuck he's been doing?" Louis teases, sending Zayn a wink.

"Whatever, and don't you dare think of my brother that way, I gotta go, dinner is almost ready. I'll FaceTime you when I am done." Zayn said coldly and ended the call without saying goodbye. Louis has no right to think of his stepbrother like that. Harry is his, and only his.

"No, Zayn, he's your fucking stepbrother that you happened to fall in love with," Zayn subconscious tells him. Zayn groans and shoves his books off of his desk. He was angry, he wanted Harry, but he knew he couldn't have Harry the way he wants. They are stepbrothers and that's all they will ever be. Nothing more and nothing less.
Okay, guys here's chapter seven, the chapter you guys been waiting for. I hope you guys like it.

What are your thoughts this chapter?

Do you guys think Zarry is being stubborn?

Why do you guys think Zarry are avoiding each other?

Will Zarry ever be more than just stepbrothers?

Is Louis and Liam right about Harry and Zayn?

Are you guys ready for Lilo?

Why do you think Harry is afraid to talk about the kids?

No Larry will be in this story, Louis did that to see Zayn's reaction lol 😂.

Vote and comment xx 😘

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