✏️Chapter Two✏️

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{Zayn's POV}
I sat on the bench at the park, I still couldn't believe that my father was getting married, and I was getting a new fucking stepbrother. I wasn't ready for anyone else to move in, let alone have a new mum. My mum may have died six years ago, but it feels like it was yesterday. I can still hear her yelling at me about going to school, and not cutting class. I smiled just at the thought of hearing her voice again, I miss her so much, and my father is too damn fucking selfish to see that. All he care about is himself, it was supposed to me and him against the world. What if he likes my stepbrother more than me? What if my father forgets about me?

He never wasn't supposed to move on, I've found my mums ring, I couldn't let him put it on another woman. Let alone, it's not hers to wear, it belongs to my mum, and only my mum. I could never see another woman wearing my mums ring. What did she do to deserve my mums ring? My father doesn't know how special my mum ring is to me. All he cares about is giving it away to the love of his life, but the love of his life is Trisha Malik, not some high school old crush.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I sigh, letting the smoke leave my lungs, I looked up to see my best friend Louis sitting next to me on the same bench. I groaned not really wanting to talk about it, especially my dad being with another woman that's not my mum.

"Not really," I scoffed, taking another drag of my cancerous stick. I knew cigarettes was bad, but I didn't care, I needed to blow off some steam and this was the only way to calm me down.

"Zayn, I know what you're going through. I know how it feels to lose a parent, your mum died after mine remember? That's what made us closer to each other. When my dad re-married, I wasn't happy in the beginning, but just seeing him happy, makes me happy. Even if having a stepbrother that I never wanted cause I'm use to being the only child, but my stepbrother isn't so bad after all, and I've grown to like Pattie. She's really nice and sweet."  Louis tells me, but I only get angrier, just the thought of loving someone else's mum hurts, especially when you don't have your own mum.

"How do you do it? How do you like someone else mum, knowing you don't have yours?" I asked, feeling the need to cry, but I sniffle and held my tears back, pretending that there was something in my eye. I set the smoke free, blowing it into the air, I waited for my best friend to answer, but I didn't get a reply. I sigh knowing he's thinking of what to say, I know I'm being a little harsh, but I just want to him to see how much it's hurting me, how much my father can't see the hurt inside of me by marrying another woman with my mums ring.  

"You have to realize it's not us who was just hurting Zayn. I've watched my dad cry for six years over my mum's death. I sat and thought about it, he deserved happiness, my mum would've want him to move on and be happy, there's nothing we can do to bring them back Zayn, we have to learn how to accept that. We have to move on too, our mum's would want that for us too. We can't just think of ourselves, how do you think our dads felt when they lost the love of their lives, and mourning over their deaths for six years? Feeling guilty cause they will hurt their lovers because they're afraid of to move on. You have to think about their feelings to Zayn, just think how happy your father would be and not sad or hurt anymore. Is that what you want for your dad, cause I didn't want that for my dad? My father wouldn't eat for a year after my mum's death, and there was nothing I could do. So if him being happy is what works, then let him be happy. As long as he's happy, I'm happy." And if Louis words of wisdom didn't punch me right in the face, or hit me right in my heart, then I don't know what did.

Louis was right, I feel like an idiot just thinking about myself. I remember when I heard dad crying himself to sleep while holding my mum's pillow. He slept with her ring and wore her robe around the house, my dad was mourning and missing her so much, that he forgot what it felt like to be happy. I shouldn't have been so selfish of my own feelings and thoughts, I've never once asked my dad what he was feeling. I was supposed to be there for him, just like he was there for me. Fuck I'm such a horrible son. I hope I can make this right with my father, I want him to be happy.

"Is too late to fix things?" I asked Louis, suddenly breaking the awkward silence that fell between us.

"No, I'm sure your father is worried because you stormed off without letting him know where you're going." He tells me, I smiled and patted his shoulder. If it wasn't for Louis, I'd probably be still angry at my father, not realizing how he was feeling this whole time.

"Thanks mate, I should get going, see you at school tomorrow." I waved off and quickly jogged my way out of the park. It was just a few blocks from my flat, I was home in no time, I sighed, jogging up the few steps that lead to my front door. My heart was pounding, I didn't know if my father was going to be happy to see me, or angry at me for ruining his marriage. I didn't want that, I want him to be happy, he deserves all the happiness in the world and Louis made me see that today, and yeah I have to thank him for that. I turned the knob, and my eyes wide. It was a boy filled with tattoos and piercings littered all over his body, wearing a tang top, a pair of black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, and a blue beanie. A woman who the boy looks like sat beside him, she was beautiful, her long hair that laid pass her shoulders, she wore a blue button up shirt, and a pair of blue dimmed jeans. This must be my fathers new soon to be bride, and my new found stepbrother.
Hey guys I'm back. Sorry for the long wait in chapter two. I was busy on my other account. I hope you guys like it.

What are your thoughts on this chapter?

Thoughts on Zayn?

Did Louis tell Zayn the right thing?

What do you guys think Harry would say now that he saw Zayn?

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✏️The Stepbrother: Zarry A.U.✏️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang