✏️Chapter Three✏️

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A/N: Hey guys I'm back sorry it took me so long. It literally has been a month since I've updated, I've been busy with my main account Zarry_MyShip. Check it out I have tons of stories on there. This account is only for Zarry stories. Okay, let's get into this chapter. I'm thinking about making a plot twist 😊.
{Harry's P.O.V}

My eyes wide as I heard the door being open. I was nervous, what if he doesn't like me? God, he's going to be my soon to stepbrother. I want to make my mum happy. He finally entered his large house, and my eyes couldn't stay off of his pretty brown ones. He wasn't just my stepbrother, he was my hot stepbrother. Oh god, what is wrong with me? I found my eyes, eyeing his body. He was a little shorter than me, but I didn't care. His hair was green, the same color of my eyes, it laid down on the side of his gorgeous face. He wore a pair of black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, a black shirt with a bad boy looking leather jacket to go over it. His cheeks bones were nice and hallow, how is this man even this beautiful?

"Welcome back son, I want you to meet Anne and Harry." His father Mr. Malik says ushering his son to join us in the living room. I see where he gets his looks from, and I certainly see why my mum had a crush on his father.

"Hi, I'm Zayn, it's nice to meet you both. Sorry, I was out catching some air." He tells us and I nodded my head. His accent is a much deeper accent than mine, but it's hot as fuck. Dammit why does my stepbrother has to be this hot?

"I'm Harry, and this is my mum Anne." I said, finally found the courage to speak. Because this boy here left me speechless, and I have to live with this greet god for the rest of my life.

"Hello Zayn, it's nice to finally meet you." My mum says as she hugs Zayn.

"Now that everyone have met, Zayn why don't you show Harry around, and I'll show my soon to be bride around. You can also tell Harry where he'll be sleeping." Mr. Malik instructed and Zayn nodded his head. I can tell he hates giving tours around the house, just by his expression. We're actually the same, I use to hate when mum invited guest over and wants me to show them around.

I grabbed my items and followed Zayn towards the stairs, he started walking first and I walked behind him since it's clearly his house and he knows the way around.

"You don't talk much do you?" He suddenly asked as we made it to the top of the stairs, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I-I do, I just have to get to know you better to actually have a conversation." I lied, well, not really it's true. But, how can I even start a conversation with a sex greet god like him. "Oh Harry, please stop... He's your stepbrother." My subconscious reminds me.

"Oh, can I ask you a question?" He then asked and I nodded my head; to be honest, he could ask me anything in the world if he wanted to.

"What made you get piercings?" He pointing to my piercing on my right eyebrow. I had no idea what made me get this, I guess I just wanted it to be cool with the other kids at school back at home. People use to tease me for being to nerdy and stuck up. So when the summer time came, I wanted to change my appearance I guess.

I started hanging around the cool guys at school, and got my first piercing during a party at Marks. I was drunk, so I barely remember feeling the pain.

"It's quiet a long story, but I guess I wanted to be cool." I shrugged it off as we continued our tour around the house.

"How come?" Okay, I may have said he could ask me any question in the world, but talking about my past, isn't something I wanted to talk about. Especially, when you were a nerdy kid who use to get bullied for not being cool.

But who am I to lie to this greet god? I sighed and said, "I use to be a nerdy kid. I got bullied for not being cool. I was teased for being a teachers pet. My name use to be Marcel, but I changed it over the summer. I changed everything about me. When I returned to school, people started to like me and I haven't been bullied since." His eyes wide as we made a stop at a brown door. I assumed it must be my room. Well the room Mr. Malik gave me.

"I'm sorry Harry, I wish you didn't have to go through that. But, no one here will even think about laying a hand on you, because I run Bradford High. Once they know you're my brother, you'll never be touched." He tells me as he patted me on my shoulder.

"T-Thanks. Can I ask you a question?" I asked as he turned the knob on the door. We both entered at the same time. My eyes wide as I saw pictures of a beautiful lady everywhere on the walls. I looked at him, and then looked back at the picture. Is this his mum? If so, what happened to his mum?

"Sure," He finally responded, I swallowed the lump that was soon forming in my throat. The question I wanted to ask him was no where near the question I wanted to ask him now.

"Is she your mum?" I finally decided to ask. The room goes quiet for a moment, I traced my finger over the picture, then my eyes spotted an obituary on the other side of the wall.

"Yes, she's my mum. She died from cancer three years ago. I was hurt when she died, still is. I was upset when I found out my father had moved on, but then I thought about how he felt. Three years without the love of his life. I wanted him to be happy, and your mum seems to be the one to make him happy." Zayn explained as my body felt the sudden shivers. My heart felt for him, he's broken, he lost his mum three years ago. And here I was bitching about my mum being with another man after the divorce with my parents.

"I'm sorry for your lost," I tell him, looking back at the picture once more. She seemed like she was happy, a happy mum who loved her family.

"It's okay, I should show you your room." He wiped the tear from his eyes as we turned to leave the room. I didn't bother to ask anymore questions, I was too tired and had a long day. I'm sure Zayn was tired himself.

"Here's your room," He smiles, opening the door. I stepped inside and looked around. The room was painted green, this must've been his old room or something. Unless green is his favorite color.

"This use to be my room until I got older and had more stuff, I switched my room across the hall." It's like he read my mind. Maybe this is a sign or something. A sign of us being together and getting along for our parents.

"Thanks, I love it. I'm going to get unpacked and shower. Thanks for the tour." I tell him wanting to get out of these clothes so badly.

"You're welcome. If you need anything, I'm across the hall." He tells me and I nodded my head slowly shutting the door. I think I'm in love with my new stepbrother.
Okay guys here's chapter three. I hope you guys like it.

What are your thoughts on this chapter?

What are your thoughts on Zayn and Harry so far?

Do you think they will get along?

Vote and comment xx 😘

✏️The Stepbrother: Zarry A.U.✏️Where stories live. Discover now