im really surprised Jade has been able to slip maybe she is getting better which would be such a relief cause we have had to cancel a few interviews cause she cant stay home alone and they dont just want 2 of little mix they want all of us 

i quickly buckle jade into her car seat and play Aladdin on the little tablet for her before driving down the road to the doctors 

*At the doctors*

I take Jade out of her car seat ignoring her complaints 

"Now jade Mama is gunna take to into see the nice doctor and hes gunna make you all better so then you dont have to feel sicky anymore" i explain softly to the girl who has tears present in her eyes 

"No mama Me no want 'octor me wan 'ark" She complains while stamping her foot 

"Jade stop that right now , mama will take you to the park after we see the doctor and if you dont behave then someone will be having a date the the time out corner instead of going to the park do you understand me jade" i spoke sternly to the girl who is pouting adorably at me 

"Jadey understands mama" 

"Ok good girl lets go" 

we walk into reception and sign in using the tablet machine thing they use , technology has grown so much from from when we were kids i take jades hand and walk down into the waiting room 

"Not long now baby girl" i murmur softly into her ear 

she happily claps her hands and sings alone to the song playing in the waiting room this a doctors that is made from littles , caregivers and others who have nothing to do with this community so they have separate waiting rooms the one for littles is actually really cute

"Mama stop being a bitch" a girl near us spoke rudely her mother just seemed to ignore her i was shocked at the rudeness of this girl but ignored her for now 

"B'tch" Jade copied tilting her dead 

"Baby dont say its bad" i spoke sternly 

"Sowwy mama" 

"Jade Thirwall and Perrie Edwards please go to  room 18 to see doctor Kurtis"  an receptionist spoke 

"Come on baba thats us " i said while picking up the small girl 

"okay" she said slowly 

we walked into room 18 to find a girl probably around the age of 27 sitting at her desk she looked up at us before looking down and the bed i placed jade down of the bed before sitting down in the chair next to her 

"So what seems to be the problem with little jade" The older woman cheerfully spoke 

"Well for the past 5 / 6 days jade has had a high fever and has been complaining alot about stomach pains shes also been throwing up quite a bit " i said while softly stroking jades hair 

"Ok then im going to take a look at her then check her records to see if she needs anything else done while we are here" Ms Kurtis replied 

i nodded my head before looking at jade shes such a cute girl how in the world did i the ugliest girl of little mix end up with the cutest most beautiful one i mean who would date me even our fans remind me all the time of how ugly i am its not fair why does everyone else in the band get to be so beautiful 

i was taken out of my thoughts by the doctor telling me that she does has a mild stomach bug and she can give us some antibiotics to make her feel better i nodded as she left the room to talk to some other doctor 

"See it wasn't that bad was it now baby" i murmured softly to her she shook her head as i slowly wiped away the dried tears that stayed present on her face 

"I luv chu mama" she whispered as doctor Kurtis walked in 

"I love you too angel , is everything alright? " i ask quickly as ms Kurtis sighed 

"Yeah but i've just looked over her records and she is due 2 shots , i was wondering if you wanted us to go through and do them now or we can make another appointment if your in a rush" She asked as she typed quickly at her computer 

"I'm fine to do them now if you would like " i smiled softly at the woman 

"Noo mama no shots" jade whined behind me 

"No baby you need your shots and if your a good girl mama will take you to get some ice cream after" i suggested trying to stop jade from whining 

"Okay only if i hold mamas hand" jade grumbled 

i nodded and jade smiled the doctor left again i sighed jade is not going to  like this one bit lets just hope she doesn't get to upset or doesn't run from me after i started to whisper sweet nothings into her ear as i sat up onto the bed with jade i looked around the room its was a light shade of pink with animals on the walls the floor was wood with puzzle like pieces on the floor toys where placed into the left corner on the the room the Desk on the apposite side with the bed next to the toys the room was really cute and small i cloud like light hung lifelessly from the ceiling i was interrupted once again by the door opening the doctor walking in pushing a tray that had to medium sized needles with some sort of liquid in them also some plasters and spray type thing  i looked over to jade and she was mortified her body clung to mine as the nurse came closer 

No body's p.o.v 

"Shhh jade baby you gotta calm down and then the lovely nurse can help you get better then me and you can go eat ice cream in the park sound good do you wanna hold mamas hand while we get this over with " Perrie  spoke softly 

jade shook her head and let go of me and prepared for the doctor to inject her if only perrie knew why jade didn't hold her hand...

 As the needle got closer to jades arm perrie softly stroked her back a proud smile laid  present on her face as the needle was about to enter jades arm she made   a run for it sprinting down the hallway by the time it registered in perrie's mind what happened jade was already down the corridor perrie bolted out of the room to find jade. 

After a good 25 minutes of trying to find jade she was exhausted and ready to bust that little girls butt only if jade knew how much trouble she had gotten herself into.

1982 words 

You Only Live Once (Jerrie) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now