Chapter 7

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The windows rattled and the wind whistled outside. They had said on TV that it was going to be quite bad. But for me, who knew nothing about this sort of thing, it was worse than anything I had experienced. I remembered a story on the news about a plane going through a really bad turbulance and i kept thinking to myself Atleast you arent there. But i was never the optimistic type. Reading was impossible and so was sleeping. Unsure of what to do, i just shut my eyes and tried very hard to go to one of my few happy places. i was in one of my moments with Kate when i heard something dropping on the floor. my eyes opened and i listened. nothing else fell on the floor but it did sound like somebody was in the kitchen. slowly i advanced towards the kitchen. the lights went completely off, i could just make out a hooded figure, moving around. i slipped a scissors into my hand and held it up. it all happened so fast, i brought my hand down to stab the intruder, he turned around and grabbed my wrist. why oh why do i have to be cursed with slow reflexes i forced my hand down a bit.

"Ivy, stop that. Its just me. Nick." he said.

The lights came on and i found myself staring into those green eyes.

"I'm lucky," Nick murmured, "A second to late and i wouldve been dead. Got a good grip there, Buttercup."

"Its not my fault, i mean why are you wearing this hoodie anyway," I said.

Nick laughed,"Ivy, i dont know if you know this but we are in the middle of one of New Yorks worst hurricanes and its freezing cold."

I rolled my eyes and shot him a dirty look.

We were sitting on the floor on the floor, right at the end of the hallway, the door was on the other end. It was already half past eleven and still the hurricane showed no sign of stopping. Nick was telling me about the orphanages he went to and it was only now that i realised what a good storyteller he was. at first i didnt want to talk to him, but i couldnt help not listening to him now. I could easily become lost in a story if Nick was the narrater.

"... and after that i went to this place called St Augutus... Maybe it was what they fed the other children but for some reason they were always so angry..." he scrunched his face up to look like a five year old toddler not getting his way. i giggled and he smiled at me, before continuing, "The place after St Augustus was where i ran away. i dont know. i just got fed up with being sent place after place like i was a burden to everyone. i hated feeling unwanted. so i ran away and that very night, i ran into Trent. I was desperate Ivy," his whole atmosphere changed, it wasnt comical and happy anymore. it was regretful and heavy, still he kept talking.

He told me that he had agreed to join Trents gang in exchange for a place to stay. He explained how it all happened so fast, one minute he was just walking past drug rookies then the next he was encouraging them with heroin in his own hands. He followed in Trents footsteps, living his life.

"One night," Nick said, "Trent heard about this guy, apparently he slept with Trents girl. I dont know where he got the gun and ... and the guy didnt even have a chance to explain himself before he had one massive hole in his head. The girl started freaking out and said things about going to the cops and that earned her two bullets. After that, I remembered finding a bar and drinking myself into oblivion," he glanced at me, "Kinda like you the first night you came to live here," rolling my eyes around Nick was becoming a habit around Nick.

He went on to explain how he met William after that and William brought to the place he was living in now... with me. William was 10 years older than Nick and helped him into sobriety from alcohol and drugs. And while he was doing this, Trent was getting paranoid. He had gotten rid of everyone that knew about his crimes and Nick was left. But Trent was crazy, literally. He found Nick and brought a hammer around with him. William got in the way and Trent hacked him to death. What happened next was confusing, Trent left Nick alone, no further explanation.

"Ive never seen him since," Nick concluded,"but words has it, he is back to his old ways."

It was all very difficult to process all of it, and I was told the story, i wasnt part of the story like Nick was, I didnt experience it like he did.

With all the TV I was watching, i see action movies and yes, the characters die and get shot, I feel sad but the feeling passes in a second. But this is real, those people all died, they're gone. Dead. Never ever going to come back and the person sitting next to me witnessed all of it.

"Ivy, can i ask you something?" Nick asked.

I stretched my legs and nodded.

"What did your parents do to you?"

I bit my lip. How do i even begin to answer that.

"They physically abused me Nick." I spat out.

He opened his mouth to say something, but i stopped him, " And don't ask me why Nick because I dont know! They did it for no reason at all. My sister didnt know why and neither did I. They made us believe we had done something wrong! Brainwash us before torturing us."

I stopped and took a deep breath before saying,"Thats sick." and shaking my head.

"Dont worry about that now," Nick whispered,"Youre not there anymore."

The rain was beating down on the roof and the lighting was happening less now. It was quieter but still the storm had not finished. I could feel my body becoming heavy and i glanced at the watch on Nick wrists. It was almost three now and i was getting tired.

I had told someone. I had told someone that my parents abused me. And it was now, now that i had gotten away from that place and now that the nightmares were happening only maybe once a week did i realise just how wrong they are. Your mind changes when you're free. You learn the truth, you see the truth, you see that everything you grew up with was close to a lie, not quite, but close. and it was all disgusting what they did to us. But there wasnt a feeling of closure, maybe once i have another adrenaline rush will i decide to go to the police, or rescue my sister. But i was still to scared now.

I yawned and hugged my knees to my chest.

"Night Buttercup." Nick said and smiled.

"Night Nick." I said and closed my eyes.

Okay so there is the next chapter, It took a while yes and its also short and im sorry about that. The next Part is one my computer and theres something wrong with the computer screen so until i get the next part, unfortunately you are gonna have to hang one for a bit.

Also I have added some characters on the side but not all, i am still tryna find more actors who take the job perfectly.

Hope you enjoy and please vote and comment, dont be ghost readers. any coonfusion and you can just ask me alright.

RavenPaige xxx

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