Chapter 4 ~ The First

Start from the beginning

'The diaries are a weapon, but at the same time a weakness. The owner is it's diary.'

"Where are you hiding?" The Third pulled out his dairy. Now was the time to strike. Jerome jumped out from where he was hiding, catching the killer's attention. Mitch quickly pulled back the string on his bow as he came out from behind the crates. He sent the arrow soaring through the air and watched as it pierced right through the killers diary. A clean shot.

The killer stumbled back a bit. He dropped his diary and fell to the ground. Slowly, his body disappeared in puffs of white smoke until he was gone. 'Did I just kill him?' was the only thought that passed through Mitch's mind.

"Gee that's all? kinda boring if you ask me." Jerome stretched his arms over his head. "Hey Mitch, wanna go grab something to eat? Your mom's not coming home again tonight is she?"


"Notch!" Mitch said with much displeasure in his tone "Why do other people have diaries? "

"I don't recall ever saying that you were the only one to have a diary" Notch said casualty

"Notch." Mitch said through gritted teeth. "Don't be angry with me. I said this was a game. And you're the first winner, First."

"First?" Mitch repeated, confusion in his tone. The room he was in suddenly faded in quite a different one. He was on one of many pedestals formed in a circle around where Notch sat. Upon the other pedestals Mitch could make out the silhouettes of other people. Right next to him, he could make out Jerome's silhouette.

"So you're the famous First." one of the silhouettes said.

"I've heard all about you." a silhouette across from Mitch said. 'These are all the diary owner?' Mitch thought.

"Now that you are all here" Notch began "Allow me to explain this survival game once again. The items you have in your hands are called future diaries. Originally they were the diaries you all kept, but I have warped time so they now tell you future."

"Question." someone in the circle said. The only thing Mitch could make out was a pair of headphones upon his head. "Yes Tenth?" Notch said

"I've noticed the diary rewriting itself several times. What is it?" asked the Tenth.

"Very good. Let's say for example that you diary for tells that you trip and injure yourself. When you take an action against what the diary says, reality will change as will your future." Explained Notch

"Wait," Mitch said "My diary changed without me doing anything. It foretold the Third would kill me."

"You are not the only one in control of the future. That's why this is called a survival game. When another diary owner is set on killing another owner, a death entry will appear. A "Dead End" flag. When you're flagged, do what ever it take to avoid it."

Notch turned to Mitch "First, you were supposed to die in that moment. Instead, you turned the tables and killed the Third. It was a miracle beyond miracles. The one to kill everyone here and survive may be the First. My wager is on you." Mitch heard startled gasps all around him. 'But I didn't pull off any miracles. I would have been dead if not for Jerome.'

"Now the winner will be rewarded my throne and the position of The Creator of this world. All that remains are eleven. Kill before you are killed. Win this throne for yourself." All around Mitch, the silhouettes began to slowly fade away into static

"So the biggest obstacle for a while will be..."

"... the First"

"I bid you farewell First."

"I hope you are not dead before I come to kill you."

"No wait." Mitch tried to explain

"I can see you shivering."

"Poor you."

"I didn't pull off any miracles!" Mitch stated.

"Don't worry." Mitch turned to a silhouette who appeared to have a cape and pointed ears "I'll protect you."

"This meeting is adjourn." Notch said, fading away himself.

Mitch sat in the room where he and Notch always talked, but Notch was absent. "Why," Mitch began "Why me?"

"Don't worry." a voice came from behind him, sending chills up his spine. He slowly turned around and locked eyes with Jerome. "Don't worry. Jerome will protect you. Okay, Mitch?"



Hey guys just want to say a HUGE thanks for all of the support. This book has gotten just about 800 reads in 4 weeks. Seriously this is my most popular bookJust thank you. Thank you all. Updates will be every Saturday. Stay bossome y'all and as always, peace out ninjas.

~Sushi ♥

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