🗨Part 4 & 5💬

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Veesha : I'm not hungry at all..

She said it and looked down. Again she lied. He shaked his head.

Ajay : You are starving..

He raised his eyebrows and said that. She look at him with guilty.

Ajay : Look! I fell down , my hips hurts..It's my problem..It's nothing to goes to you or got you..It's doesn't involved you at all..

Veesha : But it happened when I was around you..Maybe she telling the true..

He raised his eyebrows againand widened his eyes alittle when he heard her replied.

Ajay : Excuse me.. It's not about having luck to  good things to happen or nothing bad will happened..

He look down.

Ajay : And if it want to happen , it will happen..

He sighed while staring at the blanket.

*Thunder sound🌩

Ajay : What use believing in luck when my tragedy was the marriage..(mumbling)

He mumbled then he look at Veesha if she heard him. Thank God , she didn't.

Veesha : You was saying something?

She asked.

Ajay : Uh..Nothing..

Veesha : Ohh..

Ajay : So , are you going to have a supper now?

She looked at the analog clock with pendulum then looked at him with questionly.

Ajay : Or maybe stay hungry the whole night?

He sounds abit sarcastic. Both of them stared at each other and said nothing for 5 seconds.

*In kitchen.

Ajay took all the food item from the frigde which cook for lunch. He heat up the food for her. Veesha told him that she could do it by herself but he didn't let her and he was doing that. She stood there aside and watched him whatever he was doing. He turned and looked at Veesha. While waiting for the food become warm , Ajay called Veesha and showing her where are the main ingredients been placed. Maybe his mother and sister don't have much time to show her those stuff in morning but all

Veesha did was gaze at Ajay more than listen to him because even he's man , he knows these stuff all and start to admire him. Ajay open another cabinet to take something to show to Veesha. He took a box and guess what! A toy car fall on his head while he grab it from up then it fall on the floor.

Ajay : Ouh!😑

Veesha : You okay?

Ajay : Yeah,Yeah! I'm fine!

He sounds abit irritated. Veesha bend down before Ajay did , she take the toy car. Of course , he can't because of his back pain so she helped him. She get up and give him what was hit on him. He sighed. He took it and stare it with pissed it.

Ajay : Akka!!

He saying his elder sister name underbreathe while gritting his teeth. He throw aside.

Ajay : These people always hide each other stuff and make each other to cried..(mumbling)

She stif a laugh and look down. He turned and look at Veesha who just chuckled. She stared at him. He raised his eyebrows then his eyes pointing to the chair. She walked to the table and took a seat on the chair at dining table. Ajay served the food then sat with her. She stared at the food then looked at him.

Ajay : Eat..😞(unsurely)

Veesha was really starving but she behave  herself to be polite infront of Ajay. That drama didn't last long. Ajay gaze at her then turned back and turned infront to look at Veesha.

Ajay : Ivege ella konjam naal'lethan irupagge..

Veesha stop eating and looked at Ajay with shocked.

Ajay : I..I mean..Vithu'le konjam naal'lethan irupagge'ne sonne..

Veesha : Ohh..

Ajay : Well..Naa yen ithe sonne'na..

He sighed.

Ajay : I know that You need privacy..

He split it out. Veesha almost chocked but luckily she was not.

Ajay : Even me too..That's mean "WE" need privacy..

He highlighted that.

Ajay : So.. after , they all go back..you can shift to the other room ? Okay?

Veesha smiled and agreed then finish her meal.

After she wash the dish.

Ajay : So ,.. (sighed)Until that , I just sleep on the sofa in living room or my room and you can sleep on the bed..

Veesha : No..It's okay..I sleep on the sofa..You just sleep on the bed..

Ajay : That's not sound good..I prefer you sleep on the bed and I'm on sofa..

Veesha : I'm sorry..

Veesha being so polite to him.

Veesha : But I think you should be on the bed than sofa because you got back pain now..You shouldn't-

Ajay : Oh..Come on.. I'm fine..Minor fracture doesn't take me to death..

He shouted like hell when he fell on the floor. Now , he talking like a strongest man in the world. She looked at him with dissapointed when he mentioned "Death". He sighed.

Ajay : Sorry , Veesha..But first day itself , you already slept on the sofa..It's enough for the day.. Even though , we don't know each other.. Respect is still there.. You better sleep on the bed..

She open her mouth to talk.

Ajay : If in any case , I really can't get from the pain..Sure , I will tell you..Okay? Then , we will decide what to do..

She nodded her head agreed. After she eat.

*Living room.

Veesha clear her throat to grab Ajay's attention. He turned and looked at her.

Veesha : I shouldn't ask you this late but..Have you take your medicine?

He smirk for the first time.

Ajay : Yeah..

Veesha : Okay..

She said it softly and smiled too.

Veesha : If you need my help , please do tell me..

Ajay : Well..I sleeping here..At living room..How I'm gonna call you for help?

Veesha : Why don't you just sleep in room?

Ajay : I think I told you the reason just now..

Veesha : But I think nothing wrong if we shared the room..It's your room actually..Your bed..I wouldn't mind if..

He sighed. She being a sweet wife. She was show little amount of caring. He frowned alittle.

Ajay : That's okay , Veesha..I just sleep here..

He point the sofa. Veesha look at him with guilty. He walk to the sofa and take his blanket. She turned and walk to the stair then she stop. She turned at the back and looked at Ajay. He already lying on the sofa. She really feel pity for him. She turned infront and think.

When she reach upstair.

💖Thalli Pogathey..En Anbe..💔 Story 1Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat