Chapter 2

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Nami, Robin and Luffy were with the other guys at Newgate's house, waiting for (Y/N) to finish her shift. In the meantime Nami and Robin had dressed up Luffy and put on his makeup. They squealed at how adorable he looked as a girl, he was just happy because they had bribed him with food. It was almost 10 pm and the guys were waiting anxiously for (Y/N) to return. 

They didn't mind the company of the others, but they knew that as soon as she got back the game was on. 

When she finally got back they were surprised that she was already a bit drunk. 

"(Y/N)?" Nami and Robin laughed and she just ran over and hugged them.

"You're here! Whoo!~" she grinned before letting them go.

"Why are you drunk already?" Nami asked while giggling. (Y/N) was the best person to be around when there would be drinking. Not just because she was fun, but because her mood could switch so quickly and it was hilarious.

"Oh! Yeah Kid came by the bar and we had a few shots after my shift was taken over~" (Y/N) smiled and the other guys glared. Damn Eustass.

"How is he by the way?" Robin asked while they all took a seat.

"Oh he's good. Oh oh oh! By the way!" she yelled, startling everyone.

"He's going to let me ride on his bike next weekend! I have always wanted to and he finally convinced uncle he was safe with it!" she grinned while she threw her arms up in the air triumphantly. 


After the guys had been photographed in their make up they were finally allowed to take it off before they all sat in the living room drinking and laughing. Luffy had already passed out from a belly full of food and (Y/N) was too busy awing over the photos.

"Seriously guys~" she sighed happily. "I can't believe you all haven't been snatched up by someone yet." she giggled while Nami and Robin smirked at them.

They all perked up at this before giving her nothing more than a small shrug.

"I need to use the bathroom" Nami said before grabbing (Y/N) and Robins arms and dragging them with her.

The guys sighed. They never understood the whole bathroom squad thing that girls had. 


"What?" Robin and (Y/N) asked surprised.

"Yeah! I mean come on. I bet they're feeling a bit neglected too" Nami grinned and (Y/N) rubbed her neck while laughing.

"They told you this?" she asked sheepishly and she shook her head.

"No but it's obvious. Fair enough I know you have work and the other things. But it's difficult to maintain a close friendship with everyone at the same time." Nami said in a scolding way and (Y/N) chuckled.

"Don't laugh I'm serious. They are the ones making an effort to see you and you mostly hang out with the two of us." she said and (Y/N) looked up at her, now feeling slightly guilty and completely oblivious to Namis scheming. She wasn't doing this to mess with (Y/N) but she kind of felt bad for the guys and wanted to speed the progress along before they all killed each other.

How (Y/N) was the only one who didn't notice this, she would never know.

"When you put it that way" she said, once again rubbing her neck. "But what do you suggest?

"Well~ There's six more weeks of summer left before they have to leave. There's six of them." Nami grinned and (Y/N) raised her eyebrow at her.

"Are you suggesting that they get an 'exclusive' week with me?" she laughed. "Sounds like I share custody of them or something

"Yup!" Nami grinned. "The best part? They get to live here!



The guys jumped up at the yell and wondered what the girls were talking about to elicit that kind of reaction from (Y/N).

When the girls came back out they all continued drinking and played truth or dare.
After a few embarrassing stories were told and, not going to mention names, some people had ran a lap around the house naked, they were all listening to music.

Now that (Y/N) were more drunk than everyone else she looked at Nami and grinned.

"Alright let's do it!"

This caused all the guys to choke on their drinks and Nami fell over laughing, knowing how guys minds work she understood what they thought she meant. 

"Namiiii~" (Y/N) pouted "It was your idea why are you laughing at mee?" she whined.

'CUTE~' the guys thought.

"Sorry sorry" Nami said while wiping her eyes and explained the idea she had to the guys. 

They looked at each other for a while before nodding. They had discussed that if the opportunity ever came, even though they are love rivals, there would be no foul play or hard feelings towards the one she would choose, should she choose any of them. 

They played truth or dare again and when it was (Y/N)'s turn to be asked by Robin she chose truth.

"So (Y/N). What guy is your type?" she smiled and (Y/N) looked surprised before she grinned and opened her mouth to speak.

"By that I don't mean in the manga or anime world. The real world. If you would date a guy, sleep with him and marry him. What kind of guy would you see yourself with?" Robin interrupted.

(Y/N) shocked everyone when her face turned bright red and she stumbled over her words.

"I uhh.. I guess.. It would be.. the uh.. the"

(AN: Sorry about the cliffhanger there! But this is where the different routes begin.
There wont be a specific timeline over the 'exclusive week' you get with your guy.
But the type you choose is the one you end up with.
See ya soon! <3 :* )

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