#1 ~ Running away from home

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Little about your background:
Name: (You can just makeup a name. But I'm going to just said 'You' in here)
Age: 22
Family: Has a very strict family, especially your parents. Had 4 brothers (will not mention all of the siblings) and a younger sister but due to her married already, you're the only daughter left in the house hold other than your mom.
Life: Doesn't have anyone to reply on. Has friends but are not close. Barely talk and go out with them due to your father being strict.
Father: The CEO of a company which meaning he has guards and people who serve him.
Mother: A home-stay mother. Doesn't work and lovely yet sometimes can be very strict.

You came to your room slamming your bedroom door behind you. Throwing yourself on your bed and putting your face on the pillow

Father: "You are not going out tonight young lady." scream your father

You: "Why can't I go out with my friends! I'm grown up and know what I should or should not do! I am freaken 22 already!" Yelling out loud at your father through the pillow

Father: "A good daughter doesn't go out at night with their friends."

You get up, a little tears flow on your cheek. Sniff. You wipe off the tears

You: "I can't even go out once to enjoy my life or what?!" Yelling at your father through your room who was standing behind your door

Father: "Stop arguing and get out!"

You: "Hell no." Saying to yourself with a low voice so he couldn't hear you. Being angry and an angry voice tone "Just wait and watch. I won't be in this house forever, feeling like a prisoner who's always can't go anywhere."

Your father can still hears you but didn't take it seriously so he just went back to his room. After a while, you drift off to sleep

>Morning comes<
You wake up doing your daily morning routine. You take out all the pens, pencils, and paperworks in your backpack and replace it with a couple of clothings and some necessary things. You went out of your room and went downstair to have breakfast with your parents. While eating your bread and some pancakes, you did not even bother to look at you parents or even talk to them

Mother: "What's wrong sweetie?" Ask with a concern voice. Looking at you but you still doesn't look at them, playing with your food

You: Immediately answer "Nothing." With one of your hand laying on your cheek and the other play your food

Your father doesn't talk to you throughout the breakfast time. He just give you the same look that he always give you everytime when you and him argue

You: "I'm going to school now." get up and pick up your backpack that was on the ground beside you and carry it on your back

Father: Looks at you while you were about to leave "Why is your backpack so big than usual?" ask your father

You turn your back on him and just walk off without saying goodbye

Mother: "See you later honey." Waving bye

Your oldest brother drop you off at school like usual. You look out the window with you head on the window. During on the way to school, the car broke down. He got out of the car. He lift the hood and was trying to see what's the problem. You got out of the car and told your brother,

You: "I'm going out for some fresh air"

Brother: "Okay and quickly come back." Your brother look at you weird and wonder why would you take your backpack with you if you were just going for a walk. He shook his head gently and head back to focus on the car.

You waited behind a random park car for your brother to leave you.

>Hours later<
After fixing the car, your brother waited for you for hours and hours but you didn't come back. He decided to get in the car and drive around to look for you. We drive to the same place where the car broke down for couple of times, looking around, calling your name.

You tried to stay hidden as much as possible every time he look in your direction. He give up and went back home.

Father: "Did you drop her off?"

Brother: "hmmmmmm" looking nervous and was looking down

Father: "Soooo?"

Brother: "uhhhhhhhh. N-No." stuttering

Father: "what do you mean?" He stop what he was doing and goes closer to him

Brother: "ummmmmm... I was dropping her off at school but then the car broke half way to school and so....."

Father: "and what!?" Your brother can tell that your father is getting angry by the tone of his voice

Brother: "...the car broke down so I get out to check and she said she was going for a walk but she just disappeared afterward"

Your dad then remember what you said last night. He ran upstair to your room. Slamming the door open. He open the closet and notice that half of your clothes are gone. He say to himself,

Father: "You think you can just run off easily little miss? I'll bring you back home and you'll gonna be in big trouble."

>back to you<
You sat there on the sidewalk alone pacing back and forth.

Many people walk pass by looking at you in a weird way as if you just did something horrible. For a while, people notice that you've been sitting there for hours and they started to put money on the ground in front of you

You: "Why are you people giving me money?!" Yelling and stand up "I am not home....."

You realize that you didn't have any pocket money with you because you though you would survive without your parents support. Which meaning you left all your money and credit card at home.

You then sit back down and stay there, hoping people who walk pass by would give you money without you begging them because that would makes you look homeless.

Couple cars passed by and you just wonder off to wonderland. When you notice that one of the car that was coming your way was one of the people of your dad's, you quickly get up and hide back at a car.

Your father's people come and asking people if they see you. They all shake their head no and your father's people continue on looking for you.

You: "shit." With you head turn sideways and whispering "I gotta go find somewhere else to hind." You quickly and quietly lowing yourself so they couldn't see you. You move to one car to another

When your father's people finally went away, you let out of a sigh of relief.

A person, around your father age came out of a store. He's been watching the whole time and decided to come up to you

Unknown: "uhhhh...Ms?"

You turn around and got up. You bow to him and he did the same.

You: "Yes?" With a polite voice

Unknown: "I've seen that you've been out here for quite a while now. And if you don't mind me asking, why are you hinding from them?

You: "..."

Unknown: "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.... If you're not comfortable with it."

You: "Ah! It's okay! They are trying to capture me back to their boss" you lied

Unknown: "is that so?...... Do you want to come with me? I am currently looking for someone to help me work at my resort"

You think for a while before agreeing to go with him. You took your backpack and follow him.

Author notes:
I wrote this short FF based on my dream. Yup. You heard it right. This is what I dreamt of and hopefully you enjoy it. My very first time making one of these FF. Please forgive me if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes.

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