Chapter 3

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By now, the beasts should have gotten to her, but, why haven't they?

Ochako hears something pierce through the beasts, hearing slicing and dicing. She opens her eyes slowly and sees someone easily fighting off the beasts that were chasing her. He was moving so elegantly, but, also so aggressively at the same time? He completely killed off every single beast and finished the final blow with his sword through the last beast's heart with his back facing Ochako. He slowly stood up and his cape dropping down his back with the rain dragging down his stubbornly-spiky hair and cape, and looked over his shoulder, his glowing red eyes looking into hers.


The pain from Ochako's foot was still striking her, making her hold on to it even tighter, trying not to move it. Tears were still swelling up in her eyes and looked up towards Bakugo. "Why-" she started to talk but was cut off by some hustling from the bushes.

More beasts.

Bakugo rushed over to her and swiped her off her butt and began to run. "Save it, Round-face." He said as he was racing up through the forest running away from the army of beasts that were chasing them.

His arms were clenched tightly around her arms and legs as he was jumping through the trees and boulders throughout the forest. Ochako had no choice but to hold on to him for her life and glanced behind him. The beasts were hunting them down, but they aren't catching up to them like they were with Ochako. Bakugo was definitely faster than she was, and this time, he knows where he is going.

Ochako then looked up towards him and she sees his eyes darting around, quickly scanning everywhere in the forest. She notices that he was running and turning in random directions, trying to lose the beasts. Wait, does he know where he's going? Bakugo quickly turns his head around to see that the beasts were starting to lose sight of them. He takes advantage and takes a sharp turn into a huge bush and hides in there with Ochako in his arms. She notices that his breathing is fast and hard, sweat running down the side of his face, but they both stay as quiet as they can while the beasts race past them.

Once they hear the last footsteps fade away from the beasts, Ochako slowly looks up to Bakugo. His strong jaw-line, sweat calmly dripping down the side of his face, water falling from the tips of his spiky blonde-hair, his bulky necklaces tangled up against his chest..

He's... glowing.

Ochako's staring was disturbed when his eyes moved down to her. Bakugo then scanned her body, noticing the deep cut on her arm and her twisted foot.

"Looks like you've taken a damn beating." He whispers, while slowly setting her down back on the ground in front of him. "Where's your fucking staff? You're a mage, aren't you? I shouldn't be out here saving your ass."

Ochako slowly gazes down towards her broken foot and holds on to it, "One of the beasts took it and ran off. I tried chasing it but it was too fast for me to keep up. I lost sight of the beast and next thing I know, I'm lost in the middle of the forest. And it just so happens that the storm happened too."

Bakugo started to gather some large sticks around them and grabbed the back of his cape to rip off some sections, "Tch, idiot." He mumbled under his breath.

"Hey, you didn't have to save me, you know." She said, looking up towards him.

Bakugo looked at her cuts and broken foot and pointed his hands towards them, "Really? Because it looked to me like you were about to fucking die from those beasts."

He then straightened Ochako's foot, which made her quietly squeal. Bakugo shot a look to her, furrowing his brow. Ochako quickly shut her mouth and widened her eyes towards Bakugo. He slowly turned back and placed the large sticks on both sides of her foot, and wrapped the torn sections of his cape around her foot and the sticks, creating a temporary cast. He then moved up to her arm and wrapped another torn section of his cape tightly around her arm to stop the bleeding.

Ochako looked at the little casts Bakugo made from his clothes and looked at him, "Thank you.. for saving me out there." She gave him a little smile.

Bakugo quickly looked away from her and began to lift his cape up above him and Ochako, to shield them from the rain, "Don't expect me to be there next time."

He looked around, seeing if there's any beasts nearby. Nothing seems to be around. Bakugo placed his cape back to the back of his neck and swiped his arms down towards Ochako to carry her.

"What are you doing?" Ochako curiously asks.

"What do you think I'm doing? I'm carrying you back to the fucking cave." Bakugo asserts.

"Why? I thought you didn't want me there."

"Knowing you have a fucking broken foot and messed up arm, you're obviously going to die if you go out there again, dumbass."

Ochako only sighs and begins to hold on to Bakugo. She slowly places her head against his chest and they walk back up to the cave. She can feel his necklaces softly banging against the top of her head, but she didn't mind.

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