Chapter 2

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Ochako walked closer to Bakugo and broke the silence. "Thanks again for the dry clothes.." she hesitates.

"Tch, it's whatever." He mumbled. Bakugo straightened his back and looked over to Ochako. "What the hell are you even doing here anyway? You're in my fucking territory, you know."

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cross into your land, I had no idea I even came over here and I was frantically looking for shelter because it was raining so hard and -" Ochako starting to ramble.

"Ok I don't need your stupid ass apologies, Round-face. I just didn't know it was okay to go into each other's fucking territories now?" His sarcasm started to annoy her.

"Well, if you want me to leave that badly, then I will!" Ochako said.

Bakugo then looked into Ochako's eyes and furrowed his brow. "Fine, but it's not going to be my fucking fault when you get all wet again out there and not finding your way back to your village." He turns back around and looks out into the storm again.

Ochako looks as well and sees that the storm isn't slowing down and clearing up anytime soon. It's a dark, wet mess out there. Her anger taking over her, "Fine!" She says stubbornly.

Ochako quickly paces back into the cave to where her wet clothes are, picks them up and rushes out the cave. She doesn't say another word to Bakugo, but she turns around when she's farther down the mountain and sees Bakugo still sitting on the ledge, looking out into the valley.

"Ugh, what a stubborn jerk!" Ochako says to herself, walking into the unforgiving heavy rainstorm.

The storm still hasn't slowed down, hell, it's probably gotten heavier. Ochako quickly runs alongside big trees that can give her a little bit of shelter from this rain. There's basically nothing that can shelter her from this storm, it's horrible. Ochako's dry clothes are getting soaked and there really isn't anything on her anymore that is dry. She has no clue where she is going thanks to such low visibility from this rain and fog coming in and it only feels like she is getting farther and farther away from her village.

Ochako freezes when she hears some loud rustling in the bushes ahead of her. "Oh god, please don't let that be a beast! Now of all times?! I don't have my freaking staff with me, I can't cast any spells right now!" She says to herself. She quickly turns around and heads back the path, but hears more rustling from some more bushes. She's trapped.

The beasts jump out and begin to surround her, growling and slowly trapping her in. "Damn it!" She yells, picking up some rocks and throwing them at the beasts.

Ochako sees a little space open enough for her to run in between the mutants and makes a run for it. She runs through bushes and jumps over as many fallen-over trees and boulders as fast as she could. She didn't want to run on the path because the beasts will just catch up with her with nothing in their way. Ochako glances behind her to only see that one of the bigger beasts have almost caught up with her and she quickly makes a sharp turn. The beast reached its sharp claws out and scratched the side of her arm, drawing some blood.

"Ah!" She exclaims to herself. She struggles to run faster through the forest in this terrible storm. Ochako tries to jump over an oversized log but not quite high enough. Her boot scrapes the top of the log and twists it the other way. She falls over and takes hold of her foot, tears swelling up in her eyes.

"Is this it? Is it over?" She thinks to herself, seeing the beasts quickly approaching her in only a matter of time now. Ochako shut her eyes closed and rolls up into a ball, ready for the beasts to take her.

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