Chapter 1

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Ochako runs underneath the nearest trees to give herself shelter from the rainstorm crashing from above. "If only I didn't lose my staff, I wouldn't be in this mess right now!" frustratingly whispering to herself. She straightens her hat in front of her so that she can see ahead. The heavy rainfall has decreased visibility out there. "I literally have no idea where I am... how am I going to get back to the village?" She asks herself. She looks around and sees a huge cave nearby, up the mountain. It looked dark, no sign of anyone living there, so maybe she could camp there till the storm stops at least.

Ochako makes her way up the mountain quickly and stops in front of the massive cave. She is completely drenched at this point, "I have no choice but to stay here for a while." she says. She slowly walks into the cave until she starts to see a dim flickering light deeper within the cave. "A fire?" She thought to herself. Does someone live here? Ochako continues to walk deeper into the cave. The flickering light began to brighten and she sees a massive shadow behind the fire. Ochako wrinkled her forehead in confusion. "What is that?" She quietly asked herself. She walked closer and got a better look. Behind the fire, there was a tremendous dragon softly sleeping in the corner of the cave, with its back and menacing wings facing her.

Ochako's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. A DRAGON?! "Oh god, I need to get out of here! I can't wake that thing up!" She thought to herself. She was beginning to tremble of fear and suddenly felt a warm feeling behind her. She quickly turned around and gasped.

"Bakugo?!" She screamed.

"Oi, shut up! You're about to wake him!" He loudly whispered, rushing towards her and slapped his hand onto her mouth and cupping the back of her head so that she wouldn't fall back. Ochako froze, her eyes widened, and immediately noticed how close Bakugo was to her. She could see his blood-red eyes piercing into hers, silently telling her to not say a word.

The dragon breathed heavily and moved into a different sleeping position. Bakugo and Ochako froze and stared at his dragon until he was softly sleeping again.

"God damn, that would have been bad. He gets fucking cranky when his sleep is interrupted." Bakugo said quietly. "Be fucking quiet, would you?"

Ochako slowly nodded and let Bakugo take his hand away from her mouth and from behind her head. He shakes off his hands because they're wet and walks over to his baskets full of clothes and his belongings. "You're completely drenched, Round-face. Throw something dry on, for God's sake." Throwing Ochako some oversized baggy shirts.

"Round-face? What the hell kind of nickname is that?!" Ochako thinks to herself, her brows softly furrowing.

She quickly reacts to the clothes being thrown to her and looks down at them. "Thanks.."

"Tch." Bakugo walks out of the cave and out of her sight so that she can change. Ochako quickly removes her soaked clothes and puts on the baggy shirt and oversized pants. "I guess this will do, at least they're dry." She thought to herself.

Ochako places her wet clothes next to one of Bakugo's baskets, and takes a look around the cave. She thinks to herself, "It's pretty roomy in here. I mean, it's big enough for a damn dragon! I knew Bakugo had a dragon, but I didn't think this one was HIS! It was too dark for me to see behind the fire and it was turned around sleeping. Wait, also, Bakugo lives here?!"

She begins to ramble in her own thoughts.

"He lives in a cave? He doesn't have an actual home? Wait, did I really run off that far? I must've run into his territory and saw his cave from down below.. All I remember is chasing after a beast that stole my staff from me. The beast was far too fast for me to catch up and I lost it, next thing I know, I'm lost in the freaking forest in the middle of a huge rainstorm!"

Ochako shook her head from her thoughts and started to walk towards the exit of the cave to look for Bakugo. She sees him sitting on the edge of the cliff overlooking the entire valley with his elbows leaning on his knees, the cave overpassing above him, not getting wet. Ochako sees the wind catching Bakugo's ash blonde hair, fluffy white fur behind his neck and darkened red cape flowing with the heavy breeze. Even though it's a strong storm, he kind of seemed like he was enjoying it.

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