Chapter 17

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Silverclaw's P.O.V

I had to tell Lightningclaw how I felt about her. She's so beautiful but she reminds me of my sister sometimes. She sometimes is very moody and let's the anger get the best of her. I told her to follow me but then Raintail walked up behind Lightningclaw. "Come on Lightningclaw the clan is waiting."

Luckily she said, "Tell them to go ahead we'll be just a minute. I'll catch up." He nodded and Bramblestar looked at me and then turned away leading his clan to their camp. I sighed and thought, Thunderclan's friendship with us has died since Onestar died. Lightningclaw walked behind me and I led her to the trees.

"Lightningclaw, I'm sorry."

"For what Silverclaw? You've done nothing bad to me."

"I love you Lightningclaw. You're my friend since we were kits and I don't know what I'd do without you." I looked into her amber eyes she smiled and meowed back, "I love you too Silverclaw." I smiled and licked her ear. She purred and asked, "Do you want to meet me at the far end of the border beside the moonpool tomorrow night?"

"I wouldn't miss it." I purred.She put her tail around mine and I purred and licked her on the cheek. "We'd better go back to our clans their going to get worried."

"Ok see you tomorrow Lightningclaw." She smiled and bounded away. I heard a russel in the bushes and growled. I unsheathed my claws and padded towards the log. A cat landed on my back and she growled. "I told you, we would fight soon."

"Let me go Darkfang!" I growled and clawed her stomach. She stumbled and leaped at me again. Her claws went right in front of my eyes and she landed on top of me. "What do you want?!"

"Oh not much just to see Lightningclaw, oh what's the word? Hmm dead." More cats came out of the bushes and I saw Clawstar being dragged along by the same black tom that had almost killed me. Clawstar was limp in his mouth and blood trickled down her head and wounds on her body. I turned back to Darkfang and saw she had a smug look on her face. She smiled evilly and was about to claw my throat but she stopped when the tom growled, "Wait Darkstar we must use him not kill him not now. Not without Lightningclaw watching." She growled and snapped back, "Fine Blood."

Blood was his name. No wonder why he must have killed a lot of cats in his past I even remember him almost killing Lightningclaw as an apprentice. "What do you mean Darkstar?"

"Oh Blood's cats killed Hawktail and Clawstar only has one life left so she has retired to become a warrior again."

"But you'll only get eight lives when you go to Starclan to get your nine lives. So you'll be weaker than most of the clan leaders already. You might as well not even-"

"I might even go to the moonpool and go to the Dark Forest instead mouse brain!"

She then clawed my back and bit my ear. "You won't get away with this Darkfang!" She growled and clawed the side of my face. "!" I panted.

She looked at me and growled lightning struck overhead and a black pelt landed on Darkfang. I looked up and saw Lightningclaw fighting Darkfang. "Leave him alone! You only want me just leave my family and the cats I love alone!"

"Why should I the cats in the prophecy will die and the Dark Forest will reign forever. The sooner you die the better the warriors of the Dark Forest are." She leaped on Lightningclaw biting her neck. Lightningclaw kicked her off and she landed on the edge of the island. She was struggling to stay on the island with her claws. She lost her grip and fell in. Lighningclaw turned around and raced across the island to where Blood was standing. He was ready. I wanted to help her but I had to go after Darkfang she was my sister but Lightningclaw was my love. I ran to the edge and leaped into the water. She was five tail lengthes away. I just kept swimming farther down into the lake. I had finally reached her and grabbed her scruff. I quickly swam up and set her on the island. I looked over and saw Lightningclaw laying beside Blood's paw. I......I....was too late. Tears formed around my eyes but I had to fight Blood or the forest would fall to the Dark Forest. I waited until Blood made the first move. He started to race towards me I backed up and found myself on the log. I heard Thunderclan cats from behind me but I had to focus on Blood. They must have seen how beaten up I was and the couldn't help me I was on my own. Blood growled and leaped at me and he pinned me down but I let him. "You were only born to die fool why not join us and you can live like the rest of us."

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