Chapter 4: Thinking Of A Plan

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Little A/N before we start the story
Sorry that it took so long to get this chapter out. I am working on this book on my phone now since I can barley get any peace and quiet on the computer nowadays. Anyway hope you guys understand the chapters might be shorter and take longer to upload.

Aphmau's POV~
This plan better work and if it doesn't well the master shipper doesn't stop at one failed mission. Ok so who could I get to help me with this? Rylan or Dottie, hmm Rylan wouldn't be the best at this. Oh great here they come.

"Hey Dottie could I tall to you for a minute?" I asked innocently.

"Yeah sure Alpha cya later guys" Dottie said waving to Daniel and Rylan. Once we were far enough away that even their werewolf ears could hear I started to fill her in on my plan on bring Blaze and Daniel together. "Ya sure Alpha that might take a bit" Dottie asked.

"Oh yeah I'm sure yes it will take time but, it has to work! I must make Blaniel real!" I said excitedly and proud of my new ship.

"Well we just have to figure out if Blaze likes Daniel like how Daniel likes him." Dottie said in a matter of fact tone. We will make Blaniel real. "But how are we gonna do that? And not that I don't ship it but how would someone like Blaze love Dan-" She was cut off by the Bell ringing. Thank god I was saved from her saying that but, I probably would have cut her off to.

"Well cya Dottie we will plan more after school my house?" I said smiling and turned around beginning to walk off.

"Cya Alpha! And yea!" I heard her calm after me. I was taking my time getting to class before the next bell rang out meaning I was gonna be late in like 5 minutes. I started booking it down the halls to get to my class, I finally made it to my classroom with like 30 seconds to spare. I dat down at my desk and started to write out some ways to make Blaniel real.

~Time Skip To End Of The Day~

It was finally the end of the day and that meant I could go home and start to plan with Dottie. I started to get all excited and happy. I was standing by the fountain waiting for Dottie, whats taking her so long? Oh never mind here she comes with Rylan and the fur ball himself Daniel. I ran up to them already starting to think up some ideas.

"Hey Alpha!" Rylan said waving at me.

"Heya Alpha" Dottie said after Rylan.

"H-hi Alpha" Daniel finally said. geez its like they practice saying that.

"Hey guys! Anyway come on Dottie we gotta go" I said very excited. I can't wait to make my OTP become real. "And before you ask we are only gonna study together and have girl talk so it would be boring g for you guys." I can't have then finding out about our plan especially Daniel.

"Alright Alpha let's go! Cya guys!" Dottie said then ran off towards my house.

"Yeah cya guys byeeeee!" I waved to them and then started to chase after Dottie. I could heard faint voices behind me probably just them yelling bye to us. I finally caught up to Dottie. We stopped and I caught my breathe finally I can breath easily now!

"Sorry about that Alpha I just got really excited" Dottie said a little nervously like I was gonna be mad at her.

"Nah its fine just stop a bit earlier next time" I laughed then she joined in. This is gonna be fun planning with Dottie and getting Blaniel real.

We finally got to my house, we got some snacks then went up to try room to begin planning out our master plan. This is gonna take a bit of time and effort.

~Little Time Skip~

We've been planning for so long I looked out my window and realized how late it was.

"Oh geez its so late and we barley got anything down!" I basically yelled. "Sorry Dottie but you should get going and we will continue this whenever we're both free again" I started cleaning up.

"Okay Alpha need any help cleaning up?" Dottie asked started to pack up her bag.

"Nah I'm fine just get going we wouldn't want your parents worrying" I said with a smile. "Bye Dottie" I waved then went back to cleaning up.

"Bye Alpha cya at school!" Dottie said then ran off much like she did earlier today with me at school except this time it was in my house.

~Le Other Little Time Skip~

I was finally cleaning up the mess then went for a shower, put on some pjs, brushed my hair and teeth and put my phone on my nightstand charging.

"I can't wait til we get this plan done and even more excited when Blaniel will actually be real!" I yelled to myself and flopped on my bed. "But the queen of shipping needs rest" I said then went off to dreamland.

872 word count
Hey guys sorry for the absence and yea I already mentioned that I'm working on this on my phone so that's why this chapter was a lot shorter then my other chapters. I'm trying to come up with ideas for this story fast but not to fast that it comes out bad.

Anyway for this I'm thinking every second chapter you get to pick what happens in the next chapter. So for people who don't get that, that means this chapter is a normal chapter then the next one you get to pick for the third and repeat.

Anywho til next time!

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