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I hand Heeyoung her coffee and she walks away. "You're welcome!" I yell as she walks out the door. She just waves in response. Rude.

I finish up my shift and start to wonder where I'm going to sleep tonight. Then I see it, a gift from the gods. "Looking for roommate." The sign reads. I quickly grab it from the bulletin board and make my way outside.

I stop at the corner and move towards the figure sitting at the edge of the alley. "Hey Saerom." I say as I sit down next to the woman. Saerom is like my only friend now, after the whole college incident. She's been on the streets a lot longer than I have. She kicked me out of her area once and we've been friends ever since.

"What's up Perky?" She asks as she sits up.

"Oh nothing much really, I just got a job." As I say this her mouth drops.

"Really? Good for you Perky." Saerom calls me Perky because of my bubbly personality, says it's the only reason she ever allowed me to remain friends with her.

"Yeah and now I'm off to check out this place, says there looking for a roommate." I say as I show her the flier.

"Looks like everything's going your way today. You know what I say, everyone deserves a second chance, and this is yours. Good luck to you Perky, don't forget about us little people." She says with a soft smile.

"I could never forget you Saerom." I say as I stand up. "Well I'm off."

"Bye bye Perky." Saerom says.

"Bye Saerom!" I yell from across the street.



"Will you please get off the couch?" Nagyung asks me. "All you've done the past few days is gone out for coffee."

"Caffeine is my drug. It distracts me from the pain." I say without taking my eyes off of the tv.

"That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard." Nagyung says as she cleans up the mess of ice cream and coffee around me.

As soon as I'm about to respond we hear a knock on the door. "Who could that be?" Nagyung says as she walks to the door.

"Hi I'm here about this flier saying you're looking for a roommate." I hear someone say.

"Oh yes!" Nagyung says with a big smile. "We haven't had anyone ask about it, we're kind of desperate. As long as your not a murderer you can move in as soon as possible."

"Would a murderer tell you if they were a murderer?" The girl asks with a laugh.

"Probably not, but you seem safe. I'm Nagyung and your other roommate is Heeyoung." As they walk into the living room I notice the girl looks dumbfounded, and a bit familiar.

"You," she says pointing at me, "I know you."

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