2 - "Stop being so boring, Liv"

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**A/n: I didn't want to put a real phone number so just bare with me**

*Olivia's POV*

I typed Why Don't We into YouTube. The Teen Choice Awards had been yesterday and I couldn't get him off my mind. It would just be a crush though. Nothing would come of it.

A song called 'Taking You' came up. I listened to it and saw Zach. He looked really young in the video and it made my heart melt just a little. He sang along with four other boys, they sounded great together. After the song was over, my phone got a notification. It was from Instagram saying that imzachherron had followed me. That was Zach.

"Remember, you're a Dallas," I could hear Cameron telling me in my head. It was like a sign. A sign that maybe this was bad. Maybe Zach was bad news. I had to tell myself though that the reporter had been bad news and Zach had been the hero.

I thought about that as I followed him back on Instagram. Right away, I got a dm.


Did psycho reporter leave you alone last night lol

Yeah, haha

Good. Mind if I get your number?


It's not cool to only dm a girl over Instagram, obviously 😂

Obviously, huh? 😂
And my number is 123-4567

Cool, I'll text you :)

-end of dm-

I didn't think my heart could beat any faster even if it tried. Then my mind started second guessing myself. Usually all guys saw in me was my last name. Why would Zach be any different? He could just be another guy who doesn't see me for Olivia. He sees me for Olivia Dallas. I got two texts from, who I assumed was, Zach. All I could do was turn off my phone.

Give it time. If he still texted me in a day or so then he actually cared. Maybe that wasn't good logic but I had to be careful. I couldn't think about it too much. My last name fucked my life up.

"Hey, Liv, it's Cam. Can I come in?" Cameron asked and knocked on my door.

"Yeah, sure," I said.

Cameron opened the door and I saw his smiling face.

"Want to go to Disney?" Cameron asked.

"Nah," I shook my head.

"But it's Disney," Cameron said.

"But it's hot outside and it will be packed. Plus, remember last time we went?" I asked.

"Oh," Cameron said.

"You got mobbed by fans and I just had to sit around for forty five minutes waiting for you to be done," I reminded him.

"The fact that you waited that long shows commitment. If it had been the other way around, I would've called an uber and left," Cameron said.

"Oh wow, thanks," I rolled my eyes.

"If we don't go to Disney then let's do something," Cameron shrugged.

"I don't really want to," I said. I didn't want to be Cameron's source of entertainment and certainly didn't want a fan thing to happen again. I wanted for a second to just forget that I'm a Dallas and just live my own life.

"Stop being so boring, Liv," Cameron groaned.

"I'm not being boring, we just hung out yesterday. Also, yesterday was exhausting. I just need a break," I said.

"Okay, whatever," Cameron rolled my eyes and walked out of my room.

The house I lived in belonged to Cameron. It was Cameron and I's shared house that Cameron paid for. My mother lived in San Bernardino. I had grown up there. She didn't want to move with us back to L.A. I wanted to move though, I wanted to be with Cameron. Cameron and I were only seven years apart. We had grown up so close. Now though...it was almost weird. Being in the same house as him but yet feeling like we're so far apart. Cameron and I are on two different levels most the time. Well, not most. All the time.

My phone dinged again. I read all three texts from Zach.

1st text: Hey Olivia it's Zach :)
2nd text: Crazy idea what if psycho reporter has a crush on you? He wouldn't be the only one
3rd text: Jonah is trying to teach me how to text you so please send something back before he makes me send something completely stupid

The 2nd text was what got to me. Who was the other one? Was he talking about himself or...? I couldn't let it get to me. Whatever. I shook it off.

Butterflies swarmed my stomach as I wrote a text back. I didn't want Jonah to make him send something dumb. I mean, I didn't know Jonah but from what Zach sent, it sounded very urgent.

I sent him a text back that I was sorry but just really busy. I needed to slow down, make sure Zach wasn't using me for my last name. I mean, I'm sure he wasn't like that. He had saved me from a psycho reporter after all. Still though, it's good to be cautious about these things.

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