1 - "Remember, you're a Dallas"

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*Olivia's POV*

"I can't believe I'm about to do this," I said to Cameron.

"Relax, walk, ask their questions. If you ever feel uncomfortable about answering anything though, send me a signal. Any weird motion. I'll be right over there," Cameron told me.

"Thank, Cam," I nodded.

Cameron did something to mess with my hair. He took a look over and then gave me a thumbs up.

"Remember, you're a Dallas," Cameron nodded to me.

"Yep," I nodded back and gave him a smile. All my life, I had been told that. It was like the only thing that mattered in my family. Our saying. Sierra had told me it, my mom had told me it, Grandma had told me it, and (most of all) Cameron told me it. I couldn't even walk into a store most times without one of them saying it. I get it, I'm a fucking Dallas. That hasn't changed so you can stop telling me.

Cameron and I walked onto the red carpet. Cameras flashed brightly and a bunch of reporters yelled to us, all wanting something from us. A truth. A lie. It didn't matter. They were all shouting the same thing though: Dallas. No matter how hard I tried, I would never be able to escape my last name.

One reporter, a girl with brown curly hair that had a lot of volume, came over to me.

"Ooh, Olivia Dallas, you look extraordinarily beautiful tonight! Are you here to root for your Uncle Cameron?" the reporter asked, shoving a microphone in my face.

"Yes, he asked me to come along as a guest," I smiled at her.

"Terrific! Who are we hoping to meet here? Anyone in particular?" she asked and shoved the microphone even closer into my face this time.

"No, not really. It would be cool to see Cole Sprouse though, if he was here," I said.

"Big fan of Riverdale, yeah?" the reporter asked, shoving her microphone back in my face. Any closer and I would be kissing it.

"Yeah," I nodded and laughed a little.

"Well, Olivia, we won't take up anymore of your time! Have a great night, sweetie!" the reporter said, she and a camera man who followed her ran off.

I sighed relief of knowing I wouldn't be eating a microphone tonight. I posed for more pictures, searching for Cameron. He must've gotten pulled away by some reporters himself. A guy reporter came up to me.

"Olivia Dallas, how are we feeling tonight?" he asked.

"Great, just sending luck to my Uncle Cam," I smiled.

"The Dallas bond you guys have, no one can break it," the reporter guy said, "Is this your first Teen Choice Awards?"

"Yes, actually. Very nerve wracking if I'm being completely honest," I said and gave a shrug.

"Understandable. It's an intimidating scene! So, Olivia, give us the real scoop. Who is going to be taking you home tonight?" the reporter dude asked.

"Wait, what?" I asked and took a step back.

"You're a very pretty girl, someone is going to want to take you home," the reporter smiled.

I tried to look around him, see if Cam was anywhere to be seen. He wasn't. I looked around more but the reporter guy's camera man stuck his camera more in my face.

"Umm, I-I. I don't really want to answer that," I said quietly.

"Oh, don't be shy," the reporter guy said.

"I'm sorry, sir, but that's not appropriate," a boy around my age in a tux said, getting in the guys face.

"Zach Herron!" the reporter guy exclaimed and held out his arms.

"Leave, please. Don't cause any trouble," this Zach Herron boy said.

"Of course, Zach, both you guys have a great night," the reporter nodded to us and ran away.

"Hey, you okay?" Zach asked me.

My breath caught. I wasn't used to guys wanting to talk to me. Well, actually  wanting to talk to me. They all wanted something usually. Fame, Cam's autograph, money. It was a never ending list. This guy though, he had saved me without possibly even knowing who I was.

"You good?" Zach asked again and gave a smile.

"Y-yeah. Fine," I nodded.

"Zach Herron! Olivia Dallas! Over here!" someone yelled.

Zach put his arm around my waist and turned us to whoever yelled. We both gave a smile and then he removed his arm.

"Gotta give the people what they want," Zach shrugged and gave a sigh, "Anyway, if that jerk comes back over to you just find me, okay?"

"Yeah, okay," I nodded.

"My name is Zach, by the way. Zach Herron. I'm in the band Why Don't We," Zach told me and stuck his hand out.

"I'm Olivia Dallas. Cameron Dallas's niece," I said and shook his hand.

"Well, Olivia Dallas. See ya," Zach smiled and then walked away.

Cameron came back over to me and we posed for pictures.

"Where were you?" I asked through a smile.

"Sorry, saw a friend. Who were you talking to? Was he giving you any trouble?" Cameron asked.

"His name's Zach and he actually stopped trouble from happening," I said and gave a smile.

"That's good," Cameron nodded as we posed for more pictures.

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