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The night was quiet and clear.
There were no people in the streets and barely any guards around the Military Base, that was cleverly disguised as an expensive VIP Hotel. (Where you'd have to pay £3791 per night)

The few guards, who were actually there, doing their job, were either tired and not paying attention or chatting and again, not paying attention.

A dark figure stood behind a wall and watched them.

He had been standing there for quite some time now, almost like a statue.
It was obvious that he was waiting for something, in fact, he was waiting for the Guards to lower their attention even further.

Eventually they would, he knew that.

That, in itself, gave him the determination to wait at the same spot for several hours.
Without a single movement.

As he stood there, standing in silence, one of the guards suddenly tripped and fell on his face.
But that was no surprise since he had been drinking pure Vodka this entire time and practically all his life.
The others had only been waiting for him to fall over, as he always did.

Two of his friends, or at least, two of the guards standing around him, picked him up and started walking, actually dragging, him to a car.
They were probably heading to his home now.

The dark figure smirked.
Now, his time had come.

He snuck along the wall, toward the 'Hotel', always staying in the shadows.
The remaining few guards were too distracted to notice him.
Slowly, he reached the hotel and managed to enter through an open window.

This window was always open because it was a food storage room, and those would smell badly if the food started rotting.

The figure quickly scanned the room, it was a very small room, stuffed with boxes that were filled with different sorts of foods, and there was a door on the other side of the room.

For some bizarre reason it wasn't locked.

But the figure did not care, and just merely walked out of the room, looking for some form of map area or archive.
The building itself was strangely empty on the inside.
Seemed like only the outside was important.

Still, the figure did not care, his only concern was a locked room that he had just found.
Above the door of said room, there was a sign that said 'Sekrit Archive'.

"Not so secret anymore . . ." , the figure thought to himself as he worked on opening the door.

A cracking sound signalled to him that he had successfully broken into the secret archives.
Slowly, he opened the door and it revealed a lot of bookshelves with many, many, many files and documents on and in them.

He did not have to worry though, he know what the documents, he was looking for, looked like.
A red, thick file with 'Confidential Document' written on it (in yellowish Golden letters).

Nonetheless, searching the archives would still take a certain amount of time.
That certain amount of time turned out to be more than an hour, and luckily no one came to check on the archive.
So far, he had searched half the room, he was exhausted and about to give up but then he saw it.

A red file, lying on an abandoned shelf, buried in useless recipes and diet tutorials.

Quickly, he got up and grabbed the file, ignoring all of the useless paper that was now spread around the floor.
"Confidential Document . . .Yes!", he laughed in relief.

Just to make sure, he opened the files to see if they were truly what he had been seeking for so long and indeed, documents upon documents of the legendary bias.
The unbeatable RussianBias™

As the dark figure laughed in happiness, his darkness grew and consumed all light, first just in the room and then gradually even in the streets.
His darkness also grew into the hearts of the guards outside and they fled in fear, not even knowing what was happening.

He had found it.
At last, he had found the documents.
The documents, that would enable him to conquer Arda and defeat those pathetic Valar.

Finally . . .

the path to victory was free.


Not bad for my first written chapter ever? Or terrible?

C'mon, it was 701 words and I'm proud of that number :)

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