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I finished picking up and cleaning when Haggar walks in.
"He's under so we can work easier with him. His hips are fractured inward." She said.
"How can you fix them?" I ask. She lets out a sigh.
"I can't fix his hips. An Altean healing pod can-"
"We don't have those unless we give the kit back to voltron team." I interrupt her, she nods.
"Or, we can slowly push his hips out from the inside." She says. I raise an eyebrow.
"We can put a device in him or, impregnation. We would have to find a willing partner. Plus his pregnancy could take long due to him being a hybrid. We have a temporary brace on him."

"Good. He won't like the pregnancy idea. Bring him to me."I say. She nods and leaves me.

Keith (Sorry for all the pov jumps)
I blink my eyes open slowly letting my vision clear up. I was back on the couch, on the other side was Zarkon he has a video open to the Paladins. "Is that Keith?!" I hear Pidge ask.
"Yes it is. He's asleep at the moment so he won't respond." Zarkon said. A shiver went up my spine. It felt like he was looking at me, telling me to stay still and keep quiet.
"As you know I have your warrior and your red lion. I will let one go. Your votes determines their fate." Zarkon taunts.
"And what fate would that be? Keith will kill you." Shiro spats out. That's right I'm a soldier. I have to fight.
"With fractured hips a bad knee and a healing gash on his back, not to mention the quintessence we are giving him is limited it will temporarily give his sight back. Altean Healing pods will fix that right up but, You will lose the red lion."
Zarkon said before the room falls into silence. I shift my body into a more comfortable position. The room was big much like a living room.
"I have to choose the Lion over Keith."
"Allura! Why?" Lance asks
"He's probably been in and out of consciousness. Even if he gets healed by the pod he will need support with walking. We don't have time for that. Plus I can take over the red lion if need be. If she chooses me." She explains.
"I'm gonna have to agree with the princess. There's six of us and Keith is injured. Paladins are replaceable. Lions are not." I hear Coran say. I don't want to be replaced, They're my family.  Silence fell over them.
"I have to find my dad and get back to my brother. And for that we need voltron. We need red." Pidge said.
"I don't like the idea of replacing Keith but the fate of the universe is at stake because of you Zarkon. We can't let you have the red lion. Even if it means sacrificing Keith." Hunk speaks out of anger. Tears slip from my eyes. I'm useless to them? Am I even family to them?
"Keith's a hot head mullet but I want him to come back," lance takes his turn to speak. I smile a little. "We did fun stuff in space but in the end.... I wanna go home to see my family. As soon as we get you out of the way! The sooner we can go home!" My smile drops I curl up into a tight ball. Shiro would choose me right?
"I have to agree with my team," those words, please let there be a ,but, shiro choose me! I cover my mouth as tears spill down. Both he said nothing after.
"Then you all agree with taking the red lion back?" The emperor asks.
"We agree. But what will you do to Keith?" Shiro asks.

"Kit? How does it feel knowing that they choose the lion over you? They want to go home even if it means leaving you behind."

I sit up and hug myself, I feel pain in my chest as I cry at the feeling of betrayal.
"I-I wanna g-go home to."

"Keith?!" Lance calls out to me.
"He heard everything?!" Hunk looks confused.

"Don't cry kit. For now you will remain here at my side."

I nuzzle into Zarkons chest. My body starts to burn. I pull at his shirt. He holds me closer rubbing his head against mine.
My throat starts vibrating. I felt nice.
"Keith! Stop he's the bad guy and your purring against his side!" Allura yells.
"I...I can't help it. It feels good." I say.
"You are aware that he's an omega. To do this with any alpha is in his nature. I'll leave the red lion on Olkarian.(Sorry can't spell and don't care). You can say your goodbyes to the kit."

"No wait Kei-" Zarkon turns off the video, cutting Shiro off. I sniffle a little, smearing my tears across my cheek.
"It was necessary kit." He said stroking my hair. It felt calming. My eyes become heavy. NOPE!
I get off him and jump up. Pain erupts through my hips and right leg. "Shit!" I yell collapsing back. An arm wraps around me gently lowering me to the floor. "Ow! What the hell?!"
"Your hips have been crushed. And you knee needs a brace. You'll have to move slow for now on. Since you're staying you may roam around. Do not leave my privet quarters unless I'm with you." My body tingles a little.
"What is that?" I ask.
"What is what?" He asks back a bit confused.
"My body tingles after you give me a rule or command. Why?"

The kit tilts his head slightly. His scent is stronger and sweet. His pink lips look solft.
"It's the alpha voice. It ensures absolute obedience from omegas."

"So you can basically command me into doing anything and I'll do it?" He asked, his large fluffy ears fall back slightly. His long tail sways. I cup his head rubbing my fingers behind his ear. Kit closes his eyes pressing his cheek into my palm relaxing against me.
"There's one way to fix your hips." I say. He continues to rub against my hand. "It will take time. You will have to bare a litter for me." He stops looking at me.
"I-.... I have to get pregnant to fix my hips?"

"Doesn't have to be know. Just think about it for a while. The brace currently on you will sustain slow movement." I move him to the couch. I head to the kitchen and gather some food on a plate a cup of water and an empty cup. I head back to the kit hand him the food and water. "In the mean time you can work on controlling your tail and ears."

He swallows some food.
"How?" He asked before popping more food into his mouth.
"The cup on the table. It's empty. Wrap your tail around it and bring it to you and place it back." I said. He nods finishing up the food and water. I pull out a tablet and do my work as the kit works with his tail. After a while my hand instinctively reaches out catching the kits tail. He yelps. "S-sorry." I rub my thumb against his soft fur. His body shakes a little and his cheeks turn red letting out a small whimper.
His tail must be sensitive. I let go going back to my work.

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