Chapter V | Soiled Cloaks

Start from the beginning

Melelna's gaze scanned the space around her and noticed that the door of the stable next to that of Midnight stood ajar. The giggle came again but this time it was followed by a man's voice. Their voices were too low for Melelna to make out their words but it was obvious that she was intruding on something private so she took a step towards the exit, gesturing to Amir to do the same.

She barely made it three feet when a woman rushed out of the stable, still laughing and talking to whoever was inside. When the girl's gaze found Melelna, her smile instantly died on her lips; her eyes going so wide, Melelna thought they might burst out of their sockets.

Melelna took in her features and recognized the girl. Lady Ashara from the feast, Arthur's sister.

The girl gazed back inside the stable, then to Melelna, then inside the stable again. She began to slightly shake in panic so Melelna opened her mouth to assure her that she wasn't going to mention seeing her to anyone, but the sound of heavy boots behind her caused her to snap her mouth shut.

Both women jerked their heads towards the direction of the new noise and soon, white plate started to appear in the shadows, as a man approached. Ashara paled when it was plain that the man nearing was one of the Kingsguard and Melelna could very well understand why.

She quickly shifted closer to Ashara and turned to face the Knight. When he was close enough to the torch so that she could make out his face, she realized he was the same man who had escorted her to the feast.

"Ser Barristan," She greeted as if nothing was amiss.

The man looked between her and Ashara, his gaze lingering on the Dornish girl. "Lady Melelna. Lady Ashara" His eyes narrowed and Ashara visibly swallowed. "What are you doing in the stables unescorted so late in the night?"

"We are not unescorted." Melelna corrected him, pointing at the dark corner Amir stood at. "I couldn't find sleep and neither could lady Ashara, so when I saw light in her tent, I asked if she would come visit my horse with me. She was kind enough to accept." She lied.

Ashara's gaze snapped to hers, the girl's eyes slightly widening before she recovered and forced a smile. Melelna needed her to quit shaking like a leaf if they were to pull this off.

Ser Barristan gave the Volantene a look that said "I don't believe a word you just said" but nodded his head at her words. "I see. I would escort you back to your rooms if you wish, my ladies."

"That would be very kind of you Ser Barristan but my tent is just outside the gate." Ashara mumbled before turning on her heel and bolting out of the stables.

The knight's eyes followed her as she retreated, and Melelna could swear she saw hurt and despair dancing in them before they hardened.

"What about you, lady Melelna? Would you like me to escort you back to your rooms?" he asked; his tone calm-even if he looked as if someone had just sliced his chest wide open.

Melelna didn't need him to escort her but she remembered that whoever Lady Ashara was with, was still inside that stable so she accepted his offer-the man could leave unseen when she led away the Kingsguard.

Their walk back to her chambers was filled with uncomfortable silence. She glanced up at the Kingsguard next to her a few times and found his face unreadable but she was sure that she hadn't imagined what she glimpsed in his eyes when he gazed at Ashara. She heard that the Kingsguard were supposed to stay celibate while serving their King but Melelna knew damn well that you couldn't just order a man to close his heart.

Melelna gave him a gentle smile when they reached her door. "Thank you for escorting me Ser, it was very kind of you."

He nodded his head at her. "Have a good night, Lady Melelna," Was all he said before turning and walking back towards the tower's stairs.

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