Chapter V | Soiled Cloaks

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Melelna's head was spinning by the end of the night so when Rhaegar offered to walk her back to her rooms, she was relieved. It wasn't just the wine that was turning her brain into mush. It was the Prince

The girl turned on her other side on the bed, then changed position again. When she realized that her mind wouldn't allow her sleep anytime soon; she threw the covers off and got on her feet. She hastily dressed in a simple linen gown and donned her hooded cloak before walking to the door.

She needed to clear her head, perhaps talk with Amir. He was the only one who knew her situation and those involved well enough to give solid council.

She really liked the Prince. He was charming and polite; with a face that looked like it was shaped by the Lyseni love goddess's own hands. And most of all: Melelna could feel that he could come to care for her, even love her. But... But would he still want her if he knew about her past? About the problems that she might lead straight to his doorstep? What if she got her hopes up only for him to lose interest when he discovered the truth? Or worse...What if he didn't lose interest and he was met with the same fate as the last man she was betrothed to did?

Melelna let out a deep breath and pulled the door open. Amir stood outside, a solid figure by the stone wall.

"Couldn't find sleep?" Her brother stepped closer to her.

"No, I want to take a walk and then find somewhere quiet to sort my thoughts. Walk with me?"

Amir leaned in to pull her hood up, covering her silver hair. "I don't think it's a good idea to leave the castle walls at this hour. Perhaps we could go to the stables to see midnight? I don't imagine anyone being there in the middle of the night."

Melelna nodded and strode down the dimly lit corridor, letting her legs carry her while she lost herself in her thoughts. What if she was worrying for naught? Perhaps this was a blessing from the Gods. Rhaegar was the Crown Prince-a future King. Her father would surely approve and she would live on the other side of the Narrow Sea, far away from Nyessos. Is Nyessos arrogant enough to try and harm someone of such an important status? Risking making a whole continent the enemy of their family in the process?

Of course he is, there are no limits to his wickedness. A voice whispered inside her head, making Melelna shiver.

They neared midnight's stable door and the mare peeked her head outside, as if sensing them to approach. Melelna gently stroked the animal's neck, murmuring words of affection. She'd come to care about the horse in the days that they'd spent together on their way to Harrenhal. How could she not bond with it when it gazed at her with those large intelligent eyes and sensed her moods better than those close to her could?

A noise came from Melelna's left, causing her hand to still on the mare. She saw Amir grip the hilts of his swords in alarm, but he instantly released them when the sound came again and it was clear that it was a feminine giggle.

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