Chapter 37 Anger

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Rumples POV


I scream over the noise of the frantic car park.

More fire engines had come, but they were useless. If anyone tries to go up there Gaston will jump.

I don't know what his plan is if we don't come up. He can't stay there forever. How does he think he will get away?

I'm certainly not leaving until Belle is safe in my arms.

Slowly his hand slid up her thigh.

I want to be sick.

Suddenly Belle, raised her hand and forcefully slapped him.

She does love me, not him.

He stood back, momentarily shocked.

Not for long, as Gaston lunged forward, grabbing Belles neck, dangling her in the air.

NO! Her breathing isn't good as it is, somebody stop him!!

All I could do was stand below and watch Belles legs kick around Gaston grips her throat.

Gaston's POV

"I don't want to do this Belle," I puffed, even though she weighed no more than a child.

"But what you just did was NOT acceptable you hear me?!" I roared tightening my grip.

"" Belle managed to splutter quietly.

Her eyes bulged, she was near the end.

I can't do this...

I drop her to the ground.

She falls to the floor clutching her throat, coughing.

I turn away from her, tears forming in my eyes.

I yell out in frustration, ripping my fingers through my hair, resting them on my head.

"Why'd you have to do that?!" I yell, out of breath.

She couldn't speak, she didn't even look at me.

I stood there looking at here, her face scrunched up, her hair flowing in the wind.

How does she still look so beautiful half dead?

"Look...that was your fault..." I say walking over to her.

She tried to scramble away from me, frightened.

"Oh Belle..." I say, frustrated.

She loves me, why does she cower away?

Belles POV

I can't breathe.

Gaston is standing just above me, but I can still feel his fingers wrapped around my neck, burning into my skin.

I shouldn't have slapped him...god why did you do that Belle! You almost had him near the edge! Yes that was all your fault...

I thought he was going to kill me. He almost did. Why not?

I put my hair behind my ears, trying to get some air back into my lungs.

As soon as I do, I scramble toward the edge.

I reach my arm out toward where Rumple was standing below me.

"Rumple!!...." I screech, my voice only half there.

If I'm going to die, right here, right now, the last person I want to see, the last voice I want to here, is Rumples.

Rumples POV

Gaston had thrown her down like some rag doll. But they had disappeared and we could no longer see them.

After a couple of heart stopping moments, Belle crawled into view, one hand clutching her neck, the other reaching out.

Reaching out to me.

"Rumple!!....." Her voice whispered down with the wind.

"EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY BELLE, I PROMISE!" I shout up tears forming in my eyes.

Her head fell, was she crying? Oh god Belle...

Her face appeared from her cloak of brown curls.

She shook her head.

Belle is the most optimistic person I have ever met. She see's the good in everything, she never thinks like that.

She's lost all hope.

"It useless!" Regina said, frustratedly.

For the past hour she had been trying to catch Belle with a spell to carry her down safely.

"She's too high Gold, I can't reach her," she said rubbing her temples.

If only we were back in the enchanted forest. I'd use magic and she'd be safe now. But magics not strong here in Storybrooke...

It's almost useless...

And that's when I made my mind up, I was going up.


Hey guys!

So I decided I don't really like my if one of you amazing people would like to make me one, that would be amazing! It must have something to do with Rumbelle on and it has to say 'Most Prized Possession', then you can do the rest!

If I choose yours you will defiantly get a shoutout in the chapter after I receive it! :-)

I'm not sure if you can send it to me via Wattpad so if you can't - private message me saying you have made one and I will give you my email address :-)

So how do you think it's going? What would you guys like to see in the sequel?

Btw I love reading all of your comments (especially the people who always do!) you are all fabulous!

Thanks for reading!


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