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Wherever you touch me your warmth lingers on my skin. I can still feel the pressure on your skin from where your fingertips pressed into me. My body responds to your touch like fire. Your fingers ghost my stomach as your hands roam the warmth of our skin burns like wildfire. It never hurts, it's a good warmth, one that leaves me wanting more as soon as the feeling fades. Even the slightest brush of our skin drives me wild. When your hands slide up my thighs slowly. When you trace your fingers down my neck. When you grip my hips so hard that I have bruises in the shapes of your fingertips. The feeling of your skin on mine is one I yearn for all the time. To always have that warmth, I'm addicted to your warmth. Though sometimes your touch is cold. Like ice. That's when it affects me the most. Your hands on my sides give me the sudden sensation of being completely frozen from the outside in. With one touch. One gasp of air. You can freeze all of my worries and troubles. You make me suddenly forget. When your touch is warm it all melts away. My entire world melts in your palms just like I do. I'm addicted to melting into your touch. I'm in love with that warmth that spreads like wildfire through my skin. My body. My very being. Your delicate touch makes me crave you more. It makes me need you.

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