Chapter 2: Stranger to Your Own Boyfriend

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Doctors rushed in when Will informed them about the possible vital sign of his boyfriend, after leaving the boy with quickly pressing his lips onto his mouth.

George's lips were cold.

Will got  walked  out of the room and also got told to go home. The hospital didn't need another person from dehidration or distress.

Howsoever, he didn't listen. He stayed outside, hope keeping his  energies up. Even though, Alex was happy about the news, too, he had to take the doctors' side in this argument. Will needed to rest and eat. He had to understand that.

"No, man. I am not going anywhere." The buzzing boyfriend protested, sitting stubbornly on a hospital chair.

Alex stood in front of him, bags under his eyes, gripping his wallet.

"Come to the cafeteria with me at least." He was begging him now, worry lacing his voice.

Will only shook his head and hugged himself tighter.

"He wouldn't want to see you like this." The dark brunette tried to sound reasoning again, which just awoken a flame in Will's eyes.

"He would want to see me." Will breathed out coldly. "End of the sentence."

A week passed and George still hadn't woken up yet. The doctors did confirm that he'd moved, judging by his heart rate change, but that didn't mean anything. It didn't mean he would wake up any time soon.

After the thrid day of not willing to leave, Alex told Brian and Laurence about the accident in an attempt to get Will out of the hospital. Both men knew why George was so important to him, but what he was doing was beyond stupid. He was destroying his own body whilst waiting for his other half to be with him again. Of course he ate a couple of times, tiny portions, though- he didn't have appetite to consume more food- even showered once, but proper sleeping never came.

What the dream duo saw when they found George's floor wasn't pretty.

Will sat in the middle of a row of chairs, one on his left, one on his right. His legs were pulled up to his chest, arms wrapped around his long limbs. Messy stubble defaced his features, chin resting atop his knees. His face was incredibly pale, the dark circles under his eyes were a huge  contrast compared to the rest.

Brian's face fell when he spotted him. He put a hand on Laurence's chest to stop him from going further. Will didn't seem to notice them, though. He kept staring at the floor, only glancing up whenever a door opened, hoping it would be George's.

The older Geordie nodded in a nurse's direction as Laurence jumped into action. The latter started talking to the lady as Brian walked up to Will and slowly sat down next to the utterly depressed looking boy.

The younger man didn't even flinch, nor seemed to feel the small dip of the chairs by the other's weight.

Brian placed a firm hand on Will's shoulder, leaning closer to him.

"Will, you need to go home." He whispered into his ear, watching from the side of his eye how Laurence's conversation went.

Will finally looked up at him and with a sad smile  and shook his head.

"I know what you are thinking right now." Brian continued in a low tone and placed his other hand on Will's  shoulder to make him fully face him. "But you have to stop this. This is not helping the situation. Go home, eat, sleep- Probably grab a shower, because you stink, you fucker." He tried to lighten up the mood with a small chuckle but Will's expression remained blank.

After ten minutes of useless attempts of persuasion, Brian decided they'd had enough. If someone's not giving in when Laurence uses his charms for conviction, then that person needs another kind of treatment.

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