Chapter 1. Lifeless With a Chance

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Pitch black space everywhere. He couldn't move his arms, legs, any of his muscles. Where was he? Did he die? Was this the afterlife?

It'd been 27 hours since the accident had happened. George had been diagnosed with a broken wrist -right hand- two fractured ribs and a severe cuncussion. Thankfully, it wasn't a head-on collision with that car or else he wouldn't have got off 'only' with falling into a coma. But no one outside of the way-too-bright hospital room thought about the what ifs.

They didn't need to. There was no point.

Will sat on a crappy chair in the narrow hallway, joint by Alex. Luckily, there was nothing wrong with the latter physically, only mentally but that trauma felt worse than the actual pain that would've come if George hadn't decided to act so heroic back there. No matter how many times Will told him it wasn't his fault, Alex couldn't bring himself to believe it.

George might die because of him. He did not want to live with that on his mind if it happened.

"Hey, you're overthinking it again." Will whispered as he nudged the dark-haired boy's knee with his own. "He'll be fine."

Will was holding up better than expected. He managed to keep his composure for the longest time. But he was ready to break each second now.

His voice quavered as that sentence left his mouth. Even he didn't believe his own words. He wanted to believe it so badly. Believe it so much that his love would be okay. He had to stay strong for him.

However, he couldn't. Not when his heart beating was the only valid proof that he was still alive and breathing.

And of course Will wasn't even the first one who had been informed about the near tragedy. George's parents got to know it first and also could see him in there. Lifeless, but with a chance.

Will wasn't even sure if he wanted to see him like that. He was afraid of his own reaction. Of breaking down as soon as he laid his eyes on him.

In one way or another , the doctors helped his anxiety build up even more by not letting him in. He wasn't family. Boyfriends didn't belong to that category. Especially if they didn't avow themselves as one, just as a very close friend.

George's parents were long gone, having to go to work and finding it ridiculous to spend the whole night in the hospital. Why would they do that? They'd already seen their son and the doctors wouldn't just give in to let them inside during the night if they did so. Reasonable but it made Will a tiny bit infuriated on the inside.

No need to get mad, Will you need those people's permission later.

He didn't stay there to be let in either. Just for the plain feeling of being there in case something changed. What if he woke up during the night? But then again, the haunting thought lingered in the back of his mind.

What if he gave up the fight and-

His nostrils expanded as his face scrunched up, a single tear slipping out of his eye.

"Oh Will, don't cry.. Shh it's okay." Alex hushed him, bringing him into a one-armed hug since their sitting position didn't let any better to happen.

Will burried his head into Alex's shoulder, tears flowing out of his eyes with each circle the dark brunette drew onto his back. His soothing wasn't helping, but the effort is what counts.

"I just love him s- so much." He managed to get it out between sobs. "I can- can't lose him. I can't -"

"I know. I know." Alex hummed, stroking Will's hair softly, occasionally glancing up in case a nurse- or anyone really- decided to show up.

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