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The one year anniversary of George and Will's relationship was coming up so the younger boy wanted to get his boyfriend something for the special occasion.  He took Alex to the mall with himself, however, he didn't know that he'd  risk his flat mate's life by doing so.

Everything happened so fast. One minute the two boys were chatting away, giggling like maniacs, enjoying life, and then five minutes later it all went wrong. They were walking down a busy sidewalk of the business part of London, ready to cross the road. Unfortunatelly, they were too caught up in their conversation they didn't sense something was up.

And when they finally did it was too late.

When the traffic light turned green for the pedestrians, Alex stepped onto the main road without a care in the world, seing their next destination, Topman accross from them. The buzzing of a car's engine caught George's attention from the right side.

The time seemed to freeze. He turned his head to the right and noticed a super car -neither of the boys could recollect what brand or type- speeding towards their way.

"No!" He shouted and grabbed onto Alex's shoulders pushing him out of the vehicle's way.

Alex stumbled and almost fell over from the sudden push but was clearly outside of the car's hit zone. He snapped his head back to ask George what the hell was happening but what he saw almost made his heart stop.

The other boy didn't have enough time to get away from the inevitable.

Ear-splitting screech of brakes, mixed with a cry of pain attracted the public attention the the scene as George's small body hit the ground, vision going dark, limbs going limp.

My Feelings Didn't Change, Did They? (MemeNE)Where stories live. Discover now