"Don't tell me! You don't have a family because everybody has one, no matter how much they wish otherwise" she said silently.

"But not in my case! I am not that lucky bastard, who has them. No matter, how I wish" I said with anger.

She put her hands on her hips and asserts

"So your parents are not coming and what do I do about you now".

"Do you not understand English? I am telling you they are both dead and there is no one that is related to me that I know of" I said angrily.

When she just stares nonchalantly, I shouted at her angrily "why didn't you just let me die".

"Because I didn't freaking wanted to be blame by my conscience and like any other
person for not saving what I could have saved"

she cried loudly while continue talking

"because living with a blame that you hadn't committed is"

she hits the ground and cries, choking herself.

I clear my throat and felt a stabbing guilt for making her feel that way.

"Listen! Brown, I am so sorry I know I shouldn't have said that in fact sometime in future when I think about it I will be thanking you for saving my life. It's not
that I am not thankful but yeah, in future I would be Brown. Listen! Brown"

I was parched but I still continued.

"You can pick me up and put me in garbage bin and someone will take me for dinner"

By now she had calmed down, standing up and wiping away her tears from her big olives eyes and she speaks

"You know! You don't make any sense. So hush"

And she continues

"By the way,since you actually made me feel slightly better, so for that I will let you stay and help you get better so in return you would have to be my brother who isn't related to me by blood.  so it's a deal" she finished in one long breath.

"Okay! Deal" I said in total disagreement. What! She wants to make me her brother. What can be more terrific idea than that? I bet you can totally sense the sarcasm in my voice. It's hacking terrible.

"Well! Brown" I moaned as new jerk of pain wash overs me.

"Can you get me a Jug of water, I might die of thirst" I finish

"Who is Brown?" she said teasingly while looking here and there around the room.

I rolled my eyes and spoke in irritating voice, "you"

She points to herself  "me".

I couldn't respond to her every stupid question right now.

"Did I tell you, my name is Brown" She said "I don't remember ever telling anyone about my name, which is Brown...fine I will get you some water, otherwise your dehydration would be my fault." She put her hands up and turns around on
her heels to disappear into kitchen.

Few minutes later, she is back with two glasses one containing H2O but the other seemed like vomit. She hands me the glass and asserts

"Here! Drink. It is clean, I just got it from filter machine"

I try my best to get up but I couldn't, every time I try to move my pain would be worse than before so I asked her

"Brown! Will you help me get up to sitting position so that I can drink without getting myself wet?"

She gave me that look "oh yeah, I didn't know you are hurt" and places the glass on night stand to help me. She comes closer until I could breathe in her jasmine
scent probably from her hair shampoo. She expertly placed the pillows to my back while my head is buried in her hair which is a painful torture because my face is ticklish. When I was finally set, she helped me drink water and then came the glass of yellowish fluid.

"No way! Am I drinking this...it looks so yellow and what is it actually" I finished, disgusted.

She held the glass in one hand and pointed with other hand

"This yellow fluid is actually milk mix with one teaspoon of turmeric. Its South Asian home
remedy, for people like you! Who is pain and have broken ribs and etc etc to get well soon. I am going to give you this constantly so that you can get better quickly
and leave from here."

She finished harshly and got the glass to my mouth, seriously it has such weird smell. How can one drink this, but here I was she pushed the glass and the fluid
went through my esophagus despite my resistance. I finished it in one big gulp.

"How do you seriously drink this? It's worse than being in pain" I retorted.

"Yeah" she said sarcastically "then I will try my best to give it to you everyday".

When she was placing the glass on tray and I was ready to combat but our stomachs
growl and we stare at each other and laughing.

"I will make some food for both of us. Will you be okay with rice porridge" she said embarrassingly,  blush adoring her cheeks.

"Yeah! I hope it wouldn't taste as bad as" she interfere mid way.

"Don't worry! My cooking skills aren't as bad as you might think, I have been doing it..." half way through she changed her mind

"It is so good that one spoon
will recover you quickly".

She turns on her heels, getting away from my sight.

I just don't know what her problem is. Why does she change so much instantly like at one moment she is warm the other time she is cold.

Couldn't concentrate on anything as my eyes are heavy eventually finding myself going to sleep.


The story will get better and better...trust me!!

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