Chapter : Six

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I got up early in the morning to prepare for the orientation day which would last approximately a week and which means I can't do  my morning shift at star bucks. So I decided to take one week holidays that were piled up as I went to work every day even on my off days. Only so that, I keep my mind busy rather than dwelling on sadness.

I arranged everything on my side of the room so that I don't get tardy for being messy.

I look at Lawrence side he was sleeping on the bed, facing the wall. I saw as his heavy back fell up and down with each inhale and snoring slightly that one couldn't be disturb. I walked to the door and looked back as he had shifted his side, facing my bed. He looked like a nice, generous kid without his defined eyes that are always ready to kill.

I left the room and took the elevator from the fourth floor to the ground floor. I passed by other new students who were just as happy nervous as I was. The mixture of emotions when you are at new place. Some try to introduce themselves in order to get to know each other I guess and while other just stood alone like me to observe.

Finally everybody was silenced by the university tour guide.

The orientation week was fantastic, as we were introduce to each and every part of the university. I met a lot of diverse  people especially from Asia. One thing I liked about this university is that its has magnificent view. Everywhere I looked there is water. We were told that it is surrounded by lakes from all three sides. The lake that surrounds the university is kept so well, the water is dark blue as if ink has been spilled in it. It looks even more spectacular with sun rays radiating from it. It gives off this soothing and comforting feeling so I decided that I would come here when I need a comfort feeling.

So my classes have officially started. I have enrolled into the afternoon classes as I will be working in the morning.

 I was intruded from my thoughts by a customer and I quickly took her cream latte order and apologize. I looked at the clock above the entrance door and I still had thirty minutes left so I went to the sink area to clean the cups and plates which will be used again soon by other customers.

I went to the locker room at the back to change my clothes into black t-shirt and red pants that looks good on me. I walked to my hostel from star bucks and don't want to waste any money plus walking is good for health... When I enter my dorm, I couldn't detect Lawrence presence there.

I took a quick nap so that I look fresh and attentive in lectures. I kick off my shoes and lay down in bed when quickly sleep took over my already worn out body.

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