Chapter : Seven

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This university has such a magnificent view, I mean if you look at the lakes they're so blue almost unreal. This place has a good vibe like a good dream that you hope it will not vanish once you open your eyes.

The vibe this place is giving me makes me stronger and is giving me the strength to get through this last week of this semester and there is still lots of paper work to do, cases to read and on top of that a debate case.

Sometime that is just too much,
but hey I like it because during these few months there was no time for me to think about or remember my parents. Okayyy maybe a little bit.

All this reading helps me forget stuff like I am a loner and not dating.


Its not like I am allowed to date but still you know it would be fun.

I have only been to one party because I have nobody to hang out with as a friend. I spend that time on my studies and not worrying about things that wouldn't matter me in future.

So my debate was in the afternoon section as the morning and afternoon sections were joined. PS the lecturer wanted both section to debate so that he could see the potential student among both classes. I looked at my watch and there is still some
time until the debate so then I wanted absorb this scenery as much as I could.

Panic attacks took over me as I started to worry about debate. I got up and enter the trees and watch out that there was no one spotting and I begin practicing my speech with all the enthusiasm that it needed.

This made me feel better because now I wasn't really reading from the paper but from my heart as if I had sealed them unknowingly. By the time I finish rereading
my speech like million times I decided it's time to perform the show.

When I started doing my show, I imagine myself in the lake, within the dark blue water, harboring me everywhere until I forgot about everything else but my speech.

The debate took off really good because I knocked out almost all of the section and I thanked my instincts for telling me to prepare more than one speech.

As I was ushered with claps from fellow students I step down to drink some water to clear the lump that was forming.

By the time I came back, I notice a guy that I think I might have seen before but don't know where until he extended his hand and introduce himself.

"Good afternoon! I am Marcus Bulter" he sounded so manly with that attitude.

I shake his hand and replied, "Maya Khan"

I noticed his black, slightly curled hair. Those dark black eyes that were intimidating right now, straight-short nose and OHHH GOD, the creamy milk skin tone that goes so well with his heart shaped pink lips. Just his looks were so intimidating that I thought I would lose my control. But no, I said and squinted my eyes and said quietly to myself "you are going down and I ain't leaving this room without beating your ass like others."

I plastered a fake smile and went over to my seat. The debate started, he begin his speech that was not bad unlike others: very coherent and able to follow along while writing points and questions down. When he was finish, he took a sip from the water bottle and waited for his cross-examination by me.

During that short period of time I had come up with lots of questions that there was no way he would be able to answer. I am expecting a yes and no answer.

Surprisingly he answered almost all of the questions and spoke really well. Then I gave him a look that I bet was scary and intimidating whatever you named it. My look had given off such aura that it had him forgot a point and by the time he come up with answer the time over. When we were going to our respective places our eyes locked and gave each other that "kill you" glare.

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