Chapter : Three

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I woke up with swollen eyes that were stinging as if thousands of bumble bees had stung me. At first, I couldn't even open my eyes and for the first time I experienced what the blind people experienced everyday. After a lot of tumbling I finally
reached the bathroom. I splashed myself with some water and looked at myself in the mirror and thought I look way younger than twenty three. My naturally
straight dark brown hairs were sticking out of my Dutch braid messily but still I looked beautiful and strong.

A fresh layer of hair was starting to grow at the plucked region of my eyebrow and made a mental note. I applied the Grainier face wash on my face, my eyes became even more prominent especially the goldish part, my eyes are the best part of my
feature. They seem so unoriginal unlike some people my eyes are divided into three layers first the olive green layer, the goldish layer at night but sunflower like
during the day and finally the black dot. I washed the chemical off my face to reveal porcelain skin that has clearest tone despite all the pimples occurrence. My plump dark pink lips smooch together in a kiss to dispense the spit. With that I finished my ablutions and went to pray the morning prayers.

I prayed and seek for his help with all of my heart as in from now on I will be living on my own. It seemed like I went to sleep in my supplication because when I woke up I found myself in prostrating position. It was 11:30 am and I started packing my things to live my dream. The house was quite since my parents were at the restaurant and had began their day. It was always like that, my mom was at restaurant day and night while daddy was living in entirely different part of the world until
he decided to comeback for good. I made my way toward the kitchen and took out the dough pot from fridge only to make stuff potatoes parathas one last time after I go and live my life. I know that they're going to comeback pretty late and will be
craving for something that is homemade. By the time, I finished with food and served it on table. I packed some for myself for tonight. It was two thirty when the cab came and I stuff everything in the deck, I went back one last time to reminiscence the day when I enter in this house but only to be leaving it without a smile. I went through everything and grab a hold of the photo frame of me, my brothers and my parents. That was the first day when we came to this house, we all looked so happy only unaware of what the future held for us. A future that would break us in every possible way it can. I took that piece of memory with me to regret.

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