Split Personalities

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Astella knocks out unconscious about four hours later. It was weird knowing she was awake and not spending every moment of the time she did have awake with her. I was sort of hopping she would forget about this when she woke up herself again, but part of me also said that she wouldn't forget. She would remember. It's Astella. "Things not going so well in Crazyville?" Tony asks when I stop by the lab to speak to Dr. Banner I scowl at him and Dr. Banner shoots him a look. "What? It's true.." Tony mumbles under his breathe before picking up his cup again and taking a drink from it.

"Why are you even here? Do you even care about her? Do you even care about anyone?" I demand balling my fists at my sides.

"I do care." Tony says fully serious. I don't know whether I believe him or not. Sighing in frustration and grinding my teeth I look back at Dr. Banner.

"You know what Astella first said when she came back?" I ask him. Dr. Banner shrugs.

"When we asked her what happened? Coulson has informed us of what we missed out when she came too earlier today." I shake my head.

"That's not what I'm talking about." Dr. Banner arches an eyebrow.

"You know how she said she felt like she has split personality disorder?" Dr. Banner shrugs.

"It could be possible. I wouldn't know though, I'm not that kind of Doctor." I do a slight eye roll.

"Yeah i know that Bruce. I'm saying what if it's one of her powers." Dr. Banner cocks his head.

"I don't follow Steve. What are you getting at?" i sigh. "I'm saying what if she can put up multiple illusions of herself but they all have different personalities." Dr. Banner narrows his eyes.

"So like what Loki can do but on a bigger scale and with varying levels of sanity?" I shrug.

"Yes. That's basically what I'm saying." Dr. Banner shrugs.

"I don't know. I guess it's a possibility. Never heard of a power like that but it could happen. What brought this up?" he questions.

"She told me.." i paused not wanting to say it in front of Tony. "She said we shouldn't be together." Tony started snickering. I resisted the urge to punch him in the face.

"So you're upset and trying to pin it on something else?" i sighed and crossed my arms.

"I thought you said you weren't that kind of Doctor." Dr. Banner gave me a half smile.

"As far as i can tell she likes you. Right now she wasn't in the right state of mine maybe she was just telling you that because she doesn't really know you and it was awkward for her. When she's herself again things will be fine Steve." i smirk and tap my chin.

"Is that your medical opinion?" i question. Bruce chuckles.

"It's my opinion as your friend." i smile and sigh feeling a little more reassured.

"Thanks Banner." he nods his head.

"No problem Steve." I turn to leave and expect Tony to say something but he quietly starts up a conversation with Banner and they seem to be having a little argument. I try not to think about it. I push open the doors and head down the hallway and almost bump straight into Natasha.

"Hey Steve." she says in a bored tone before continuing down the hall. I don't even get to reply before she's disappeared down a different corridor. Shrugging i keep going. That's when something strange happens. 

"Steve. Astella's escaped." Natasha's voice comes over my com-link. I frown and glance behind me. She was just here. Why didn't she tell me?

"How  come you didn't mention this when i almost bumped into you?" i questioned.

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