Chapter 2 - My Billionaire Baby Daddy

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Walking down the hall was another task. It scared me, not because these halls were empty but because of how rich it looked, if I damaged even one thing, I'd probably have to work for years continuously day and night to replace the damage. The walls were creme, with designs of gold sprawled across. I finally spotted the elevator, and clicked the button and waited for it to arrive. My thoughts were all over the place, what had happened last night? 


The chime sound indicated the arrival of the elevator, I stepped in and was instantly under the criticising gaze of the man in the elevator. He wore a white button up top with black slacks, he was an employee but that didn't stop him from judging me. He probably was not used to someone like me in here. God alone knows how I looked at this moment, I haven't even had a bath, nor have I adjusted my hair. "Which floor?" Asked the man. I took a quick look at the buttons of the elevator, "Ground floor." I replied, quietly. He gave me another stare before clicking the button, springing the elevator to motion. 

There were a total of 40 floors, in this hotel and I was on the 38th floor. I wonder which hotel this was. The elevator was also very fancy, a royal blue velvet carpet lay on the elevator floor, very clean mirror walls on all the three sides, and boy was I embarrassed when I saw my reflection, my wavy blonde hair was a mess, and my mascara from last night was a smudged, but thankfully I did not look like a panda. The buttons were silver, with the numbers in gold, that glowed when pressed. 

After one long minute, the elevator arrived at the ground floor, where I quickly got off wanting to get as far as possible from the man in the elevator, and damn, the sight was impressive. The walls were still of the same mix, but the designs were so much more beautiful. A long reception desk made of black marble with white streaks, crowded by men in suits, women in beautiful dresses and small kids dressed smarter than I ever could! 

As I walked towards the doors, several people looked at me, judging me with their criticizing gazes. As soon as I walked out, I took a deep breath before turning around to look at the hotel, but the moment I did, the wind was knocked out of me as I read, LOCKWOOD HOTEL, displayed in big bold letters above the parapet. It was one of the best and most expensive hotels of New York. I stared at the hotel, shocked that I actually had spent a night inside. I was even more scared now, what if the man that I left got angry? No! I'm just overthinking, one-night things just last for the night. He probably is happy and relieved that I left and the awkward talk in the morning was avoided! 

I looked around and finally got a cab to my apartment. As soon as I reached, I gave the driver the amount and ran inside, and took the elevator to the third floor, to the apartment me and my best friend, Sara shared. I knocked on the door twice and waited, and a few seconds later, the door opened to reveal Sara! 

"Natasha Grace Fallon! Where were you last night?" Came the scolding voice of my dear best friend, as I walked in and sat on the couch. "You told me you were going to get our drinks and then you never return, about 15 minutes later, I find you walking out of the club, completely forgetting me might I add, with a man!" She huffs, as she sits on the chair opposite me. 

"Anyway, I will forgive you, if you tell me about last night..." Sara says as she wiggles her eyebrows, thinking she'd get some hot information about last night, which was a complete fuzz in my head right now.

"Uh-heh, Actually, my dear bestie, I'm sorry for letting your hopes down on the thought that you'd get some info on last night, but honestly, last night is just a fuzz in my head. And plus, I'm worried too to think about it." I reply as she pouts. "What are you worried about though?"

"I woke up in this suite, which had an excellent view of New York, and there stood a man, brown hair, hot back, wearing only his boxers, sipping coffee, and looking like a model. I got a little nervous, not used to such situations and pretended to faint when he started to talk. He came up to me, tapped my cheek lightly and then walked off to the bathroom, the moment I heard the shower, I jumped out of bed, quickly put on my clothes and ran out of the room. The hotel seemed so elegant and expensive, I felt scared just by looking at the walls. When I got into the elevator, the employee inside just stared at me, and worse, I looked so bad, I still do. Anyway, when I got out of the hotel and looked back to see which hotel it was- Can you guess?" 

"Hotel Sierra?" Sara guessed. Hotel Sierra was a good hotel, but it was nowhere close to Lockwood Hotel. "Not even close. It was the Lockwood Hotel! Like can you believe it!?"

"Oh my God! Who the hell did you sleep with Nat?" Sara screeched, half excited. She was the more wild and outgoing person compared to me. I was more shy. We were so different but we got together so well. Sara was a beautiful with blackish brown waves, brown coloured eyes and light brown skin, while I had wavy blonde hair, light blue eyes and lightly tanned skin. 

"I have no clue! There's just this feeling like something is bothering me! And that's annoying me more each passing second!" 

"Relax! It's just you feeling weird because this was your first one-night stand!" Sara said, trying to calm me.

"I know, probably that's the reason, but I'm feeling that feeling-Oh my God! You know what? I'm just going to sleep and relax and then wake up feeling better...hopefully" I murmured the last bit. I got up and turned around on my heels to walk into my bedroom. "What about Suzy? She had called a few minutes before you came." Sara informs me.

Suzy...Lord! Another problem, "And you tell me only now? What the hell!?" I shouted, feeling insane for God alone know what reason. "Chill girl, damn. I told her you have a migraine and that you won't be able to come for work today." 

"Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me. But thanks! At least she won't fire me now." Suzy was the owner of the bakery I worked in. She was a sweet lady in her forties, but was very strict. If I didn't go to the bakery on time, she'd cut a little of my pay and that was not something I wanted. 

I sighed, rubbing my head as I walked into my room and shut the door. I slowly slid my dress off and then unclipped my bra and removed my underwear. After throwing the clothes into the hamper, I went inside my bathroom, and had a much needed shower.

After drying myself, I wore a oversized top with a pair of shorts and just threw myself on the bed. Literally. Not the best idea! I adjusted myself on the bed, and soon I was dead to the world.


Hey Guys!! I'm back! So, as I had mentioned before about the editing, that's what I did and I was also able to lengthen this chapter so much more than the old version. And Natasha's got a job this time, yay! So, hope y'all will enjoy the new version just as much as the old one :) 

Love all of y'all who have been with me since the old version, yayy!! ❤️

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