Chapter Fifty-Four: The Agreement

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Jazmin- I would never ask you to do that..You will always be someone important in my life and hers..I'm sure she will love you and care for you as much as I do...You're a wonderful soul Miles..We are very lucky to have you in our lives..

Miles- I'm the fortunate one Jazmin.

Jazmin- I accept..

Miles- Wait what...All of it??

Jazmin- The entire proposal..I accept...I will give you an answer in a year..You have my word.

Miles-...Thank you for believing in me..

Jazmin- You're such a great guy..If I hadn't fallen so deeply in love all this would be a lot easier to handle..

Miles- It's okay..I'm not one to back down from a fight especially when the trophy is your heart.

He cupped my face with his hands and leaned in to give me a soft kiss on my cheek. I blushed and turned away. He was so tender and kind I simply couldn't imagine of any reason not to fall in love with him. It should be easy I told myself but of course James haunting image crawled back into my mind. I didn't know when I would be able to finally let go. All I knew was that I had to worry about the present day. My daughter was born into a world where her father was nowhere close to her. She wasn't going to feel his embrace nor would she hear his voice. Just the thought of never seeing James again crushed me. The thought of my daughter never getting to know him was like adding salt into a fresh open wound.

I thought about Mile's proposal and decided to take it into careful consideration. I didn't have anything to lose but much more to gain. It's not like I needed a male figure in my daughters life. It would've been nice to have her father here with us. To had seen him cut the umbilical cord. That meant so much to me it would have been a wonderful experience. My heart would've been filled with joy and warmth to see him holding our beautiful little creation. How badly I wanted the impossible but I knew I would make it with her by my side. I will be both her Mother and Father. She will not feel lonely because I will give her twice the love. She is my reason to push on and keep fighting. She is what made me stronger. It will always be us two side by side against the world.

Miles- Are you okay?

Jazmin- Hmm?..I'm sorry yes I am...

Miles- You stayed kinda thoughtful..I apologize if I made you uncomfortable..

Jazmin- No not at all...I was just thinking about James and how different all this would be if he was here..

Miles- *Sighs..I'll never be able to compete against what you feel for him and honestly I don't want too either..

Jazmin- What do you mean?..

Miles- I don't want to replace him Jazmin...I want to build something new with you..A new feeling we both can share..One where it's all mine to own..

Jazmin- *Smiles...Only Time will tell..By the way I was just thinking..Who brought me to the hospital?..I was in such pain I didn't notice..

Miles- Oh about that...I um..Kinda need to tell you something..

Jazmin- What is it?

Miles- First you gotta promise you won't get mad..

Jazmin- Miles start talking..

Miles- Well...Jake helped us out..and..

Jazmin- Jake!?..He knows!?

Miles- *Clears Throat...Thats not all...He thinks the baby is mine...

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