Ms.Run away

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He walked away and there stood Aaron.

"Aaron I have a lot of stuff to do can you make this quick." I said holding back tears.
"I love you Emma. Jen is my ex. She hasn't gotten over us breaking up yet. We don't have plans for tonight. I will be with you tonight." He said wrapping his arms around me.
"Why haven't you blocked her number?" I asked.
"It just slipped my mind. I just blocked her." He replied. We stood there for a little bit then I said something.
"I'm tired." I said out of the blue.
"Well why don't we go back to my place and hang." He suggested.
"Ok. I can't leave yet. Not until everyone else does that's the rules." I answered.
"Ok I'll wait." He said. He walked away and I went back to my desk to do some actual work.
Over the next few hours the guys came in and out. No serious injuries some just wanted to talk. It was finally 6 o'clock when normally all the guys left.
I walked out and I saw Aaron sitting at his locker all alone. He wasn't facing me so I decided to scare him.
I walked as quietly as I could and went "Buhoo" he jumped and almost had a heart attach.
"What the heck." He said.
I just laughed. He grabbed me and squeezed me. "I can't breathe" I choked out still laughing.
"What was that for?" He asked.
"What I can't scare my boy, My friend." I said trying to hide the fact that I almost said boyfriend.
"Your what." He asked teasing me that I almost said boyfriend.
"My friend. My friend with benefits." I said starting to walk away. He grabbed his bag and caught up.
"So that's what we are." He said with raised eyebrows. "Friends with benefits?" He asked.
"For now." I said with a smirk.
"Oh, well then." He said with a sarcastic tone. He walked me to his car and he grabbed my stuff off my back while opening the door for me.
"Well thank you fine sir." I said laughing and sitting down. He put our stuff in the back seats and got in to the drivers side.
"So I'm a FINE sir." He said exaggerating the fine part.
"Well I'd say so." I said grabbing his hand.
"Oh so we can do this. We can hold hands." He asked sarcastically.
"Yes. Just not in public." I said giggling.
"Can I kiss you." He asked.
"No your driving." I said.
"Well then you kiss me." He said.
"Nah I'm good what if someone sees threw your window. We can't have that. You know while I'm thinking of it what if some sees us holding hands threw your window." I said with complete sarcasm and let go of his hand.
He kept his hand open waiting for my hand to go back into his. He grabbed my arm rather aggressively.
"OW!" I yelled.
"Oh my god Emma are you ok. I'm sorry I didn't mean, I didn't." He looked so scared and he was stuttering his words.
"It's fine" I said. But was it. I know he didn't mean to hurt me but that's what my last abusive relationship started off with. Something so innocent. I grabbed my bag from the back and pulled out my phone. I checked where we were and we were only 3 blocks from my apartment complex.
We stopped at a stop light and in one swift movement I unbuckled my seat belt, opened my door, and started sprinting. I put my bag on my back and ran for everything I had. I weaved in and out of a few cars then I was on the side walk. I didn't stop, I kept running and running. Memories of my past relationship flashed into my mind. As much as my mind kept telling me I was fine, my feet kept going, going, and going until I was outside my apartment complex. I walked in and headed straight to the elevator, got in, went to my floor, got to my apartment, went straight to the bathroom, undressed, and got in the shower. I sank to the floor.
'What did I just do' just kept going threw my head over and over again.
I got out of the shower and sat in my bed. I hadn't checked my phone yet because I didn't want to have to explain why I ran away.
I finally found the courage to look at my phone.

Did I hurt you that bad😢??
What's wrong???
Answer me please!¿

I also had about 15 missed calls from him.

Emma- Hyder apartment complex floor 24 apartment 9X


I waited only about 10 minutes until there was a knock on my door. I got out of my bed and went to the door. I looked threw the peek hole and I saw Aaron. I opened the door and he immediately engulfed me in a hug.
"You gave me a heart attack" he said.

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