Chapter 1 - Haddie

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Ah, the fresh smell of B.O and colognes, the first day of high school. A year for new beginnings, meeting new people and putting differences aside. But more importantly, a year for a boyfriend, and dances, like homecoming and dressing up all nice for it. Who am I kidding though? I'd just look like a fatter version of Melissa McCarthy.

"Haddie! Is that you?" I turned around to see Hannah, oh god do I have to get away.

But, it was too late, she was already approaching me, and fast as that. It was almost like she was running over to me.

"Hannah! Hey, yes, it's me, Haddie, in the flesh." I chuckled awkwardly at the thought of having to drag this conversation on for so long. After all, it is a new year, new friends, and you can end the toxic relationships by not replying to those people, or so I thought.

"How was your summer? Mine was great! I got to go horseback riding, and I also got on to Lady Irish!" Her Southern accent haunted me, it echoed in my head, bouncing from side to side, getting louder and more annoying each time.

"That's good! I know you were excited and nervous about getting into it, mine was great, normal I just sat home babysitting as usual." I said walking backwards, trying so desperately to get away.

"Oh, you didn't text me much?" The way she said that it sounded like she was questioning me. Was she asking why I wasn't replying? Why I didn't bother opening her messages?

"Oh yeah, well you know, the kids can be a hand full. The twins always fight, and then you have Allie always getting into trouble with the neighborhood kids."

"Oh true, those pesky little kids, always into something, huh?" She chuckled after saying that, and thank goodness I caught the eye of Audrey, to whom I mouthed the words, 'help me'. Over she came, running to the rescue, like always.

"Hey! Haddie, did you see this on the wall?" Asks Audrey, walking up to me and taking me by the arm, pulling me away from Hannah.

"Oh my, thank you so much, my savior, I owe you big time."

She chuckled, "Why? What's going on? What so bad about Hannah." She mocked her, just like we always do, using the fake country accent we know and love, which made me laugh, my loud obnoxious laugh.

"Jesus Audrey, take it down a notch, I don't want everyone to think I'm still the same me from last year, the same boring, old Haddie."

She laughed, "But, aren't you still the same, boring old Haddie? The Haddie that we all know and love?"

"Aw thanks, Dree, for trying to cheer me up, really. But you know I needed a makeover, a glow up, something new to make me unique, instead of ordinary."

"And you think highlights will do that?"

"Oh yes, trust me, these have worked me wonders!" I joked, holding onto a strand of my now blonde hair.

The bell rang, which caused me to jump, first period already? Okay, now I was nervous.

"What's your first period, Haddie?" Asked Audrey as we started walking down the hallway towards the stairs.

"History with Dickens, you?"

"Actually, me too. We can go through the wrath of Dickens together." She chuckled and got pulled off to the side by Patty, the girl who so desperately wants me out of the picture. She even threatened me last year, saying this year they will be best friends, and little did I know, she was right.

When I got up the stairs, I quickly found my locker and put my bag in there, I grabbed my iPad and walked to class. I entered through the wall, yes I said through the wall. There's a sliding door in the new building, to bigger classrooms, the common core classrooms. I found the closest seat to the teachers desk and sat down, hoping to make new friends, and to hopefully, be in the same class as some old ones.

A girl came and sat next to me, one I've never seen before, who is probably new to this school.

"Alright class, I know today is the first day of school, but it is never too soon to get learning! I'm gonna start right off the bat, and I'm giving you your first project. To see how well you work in pairs, the person sitting next to you, is your partner for this project. The project will take about two weeks to finish, and I'm going to need to see equal effort from the both of you. One's not gonna write, and the other research, you're going to do it all, together. On your iPad under the projects tab in Schoology, are the directions and requirements to your project, Have fun! Now, get to work kids, no time to waste!" And there it was, proof that Mr. Dickens was a real dick. Giving us our first project, on the first day of school, with a total stranger.

"Hi, I'm Carlie. I'm a new student, and you're my first friend. If you're down to it." She smiled and reached her hand out, basically shoving it down my throat, trying to shake mine.

"Well, Hi Carlie, I'm Haddie, and sure, I would love to be your friend!" I smiled and shook her hand back, "So, how do we do this? We have to do a project on each others family?"

"I guess, it makes us have to make new friends, or at least that's what he's trying to do."

"I mean it seems like it, but for those of us who have social anxiety, that's kind of hard, if you wouldn't have introduced yourself I think I still would've been plotting on how to saying hello."

"Yeah, but my family is nice! And I'm looking forward to meeting yours." She skipped right over what I was saying, so much for a partner and getting a good grade.

"Yeah, if they ever get off work, but for now lets work on getting to know each other."

"Okay, well, I'm Carlie, as you know, I'm fifteen, I was born on October third in 2003, and I have an older brother named Leo."

"I'm Haddie, obviously, I'm also fifteen, born on March twenty-first of the same year, and I have six sisters."

"Really? Six? Are you the youngest?"

"Nope, I'm actually right smack dab in the middle."

"That's gotta suck," she blurted out, and she was right, it does suck. "I'm so sorry, I did not mean to say that, I just have a big mouth, and I'm blunt, and I dont think about what I say."

"No, no, it's okay, you are right, it does suck." I sighed, looking down at my thumbs, in which I was twiddling. "It sucks balls."

The bell rings, and Carlie practically runs to her next class. Second period, off to Study Hall do to nothing for fourty-five minutes. I sat down and put my headphones in immediately and took a much needed day nap.

The third period bell awoke me and I hurried off to classroom E201. I climbed into a seat in the back on the room and soon realized, in stead of algebra I, I had walked into the speech and debate class. I was still in the F pod, not E pod. So, I walked myself to E pod and walked into my classroom, embarrassed and sitting in the last open seat. So much for that nap, which had made me tired, thus walking into the wrong classroom, by not checking the pod letter.

The rest of the day was a blur, having to find a seat at lunch, with Audrey and her friends, in which I competed to be included into the conversation, and soon gave up and sat on my phone until fifth period started. Then having to worry about making friends there, and worrying about telling my English class how many siblings I have and my favorite thing to do for fun for the "Share of the Day". Then to sixth period, where there, my class also got to know more about me by playing around the world. Seventh period, which was Drama, and I had to reenact my favorite book in charades, in which my teacher insisted everyone at least try. Lastly, eighth period, Science. There, I had to do work too, just like in Mr. Dickens class, but only starting with a solo assignment, about the periodic table, which I knew nothing about because I didn't pay any attention to Mrs. Tittle last year, and blew it off. The day was long, and all I really wanted to do was go home, especially after the comment Carlie made, even if it meant I had to babysit until the next morning.

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