Chapter 24

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Georgia's POV:

"We should all hang out after school". James says at lunch.

"I'm down". Alex shrugs.

"We're in". Memphis says for him and Kota.

I look at Theo and shrug.

"Yeah we're coming".

"Going where?" Alison sits at the table.

"We're all gonna hang out after school, and your coming so I am not the only girl". I smile, hoping she won't say no.

"Hell yeah!" She pumps her fist in the air.

When school is over, we all meet outside the school.

"Where we going?" Alison twirls her keys around her finger.

"Let's go to that new milkshake place". Dakota rolls onto the heels of his feet.

"Meet y'all there".

Alison takes her car, I go with Theo and Alex, James piles in with Memphis and Dakota.

"So how's life guys?" Alex asks when we leave the school parking lot.

"Pretty fantastic, how bout you Alex?" Theo smirks looking at me through the rearview mirror. I smile back and look away so he can't see how red my face is getting.

"I feel like a third wheel". Alex groans and dramatically melts into the seat.

"Cause you are". Theo shrugs.

"Theo be nice. Alex what happened to that girl you stayed with on Christmas?" I lean forward in the car to pretend i'm in the front and not the back.

"I uh, how do I put this nicely? I dumped her. She was trying to make me move in with her after one night, weird bitch". Alex shakes his head and laughs.

"How old was she?" Theo asks, eyes wide.

"That's the even weirder part, get this, she's 17 so she lives with her parents. This bitch wanted me to move in with her and her fucking parents". Alex rolls his eyes and cringes, probably thinking of when she asked him. Theo howls in laughter.

"Oh and she wanted me to like ditch all my old friends and just totally join her life with her friends and shit. Dude I was honestly scared for my life". Alex shivers, making Theo fall into another batch of laughter. He's so freaking adorable.

"Nice for you guys to finally join us". Memphis says when Theo, Alex, and I walk into the little diner.

"Sorry had to pull over because Alex told me the story of his crazy ex". James almost spits his milkshake out.

"The one who wanted you to move in?" James asks, Alex just nods.

"What?" Memphis looks at Alex with the same expression Theo had in the car, so Alex tells the whole story again.

"That's kinda creepy". Alison says when everyone calmed down.

"Kinda? Thats borderline stalkerish". Dakota laughs.

"Alright i'm tired of being center attention, James what happened to your girl?" Alex smirks and looks over the table to James.

"Your a real dick". James sticks his tongue out at Alex.

"Well, I was gonna...ya know...well right when things were about to um, happen, she told me she had like 5 STD's...then she tried to say that she got them from a drink at a party. I got dressed and was about to leave...she started crying and shit. I panicked, told her I had a micro-penis, and booked it". James puts his head in his hands. Everyone at the table is in tears laughing.

"Oh how about when Theo got caught naked behind some old ladies bush?" James smiles sweetly at Theo.

"What?" I look at Theo shocked. He glares at James.

"Oh you dont wanna tell it Theo? I'll tell it for you. Well, about a month before we moved here, Theo was saying how we should do some more teen like things, so we played truth or dare". James grins at Theo.

"We dared him to run down the street naked, he did it, at the end of the street a cop pulled up and Theo jumped into a random bush. The cop pulled away and Theo started to climb out of the bush, but an old woman walked out of her house yelling that it was private property and he had to get off it. Theo with his dumbass self screamed back that he was naked and unless she wanted to see his junk he wasn't getting out of the bush until she left". James stops because everyone starts laughing. Theo groans and hides his face in the crook of my neck, I take his hand into mine and listen to the story again.

"The woman of course said she was gonna call the cops, and when she went back inside, Theo ran back to us butt fucking naked". James finishes.

"Your an asshole James". Theo says into my neck. I hold back the gasp that is threatening to leave my mouth.

"Thanks Theodore, I try to be". James smiles cheekily.

When we head back to the house, I ride with Memphis and Dakota instead of Theo, so I don't have to walk back to the main house.

"Kids can you come in here, please?" Mom calls right when we walk into the house. She's sitting at the kitchen table looking at a piece of paper.

"What's up?" Memphis asks, taking the seat next to her.

"Your dad has been arrested".

No one speaks.

"Should we really be that shocked?" Dakota crosses his arms and leans against the wall.

"I didn't expect anyone to be, he got into an accident and he was drunk. The people he smashed into are not in good shape, there's three of them, and they are all in urgent care". Mom shakes her head and sets the paper down.

"What about Jax? His mom sure as hell can't take care of him, did you see how she just left him on the freaking floor?" Memphis rakes his hand through his hair.

"I know, but as much as I hate to say this, I can't do anything. That little boy is in no way related to me". Mom sighs.

Theo and I have training today. I called Theo last night and told him that my dad was in jail. He kept telling me everything would be ok and that Jax would be fine.

"What do you guys wanna work on today?" Theo asks Jasmine and Max.

"I wanna work on speed". Jasmine says.

"Jumping, I wanna work on jumping". Max says.

Theo and I look at eachother, looks like we're gonna have to split.

"Alright Max, you'll be with Georgia, Jasmine you'll come with me".

I lead Max to the DIY jumping area we have.

"Georgia, Baymax won't do it!" Max calls from the water jump.

"He's scared Max, talk to him, tell'em it'll be fine, that he can do it". I yell back from the fence. I watch as Max leans down to Baymax's ear and talks to him, they start from the beginning again. This time when they get to the water Baymax soars over it.

"There ya go! Way to go Max!" I laugh as Max hops off Baymax and jumps up and down in excitement.

"Wow. Georgia, can you teach me how to do that?" Jasmine and Theo walk up behind me.

"Sure Jazzy. Hop on Bolt and we'll get started". I smile at her. When she walks into the pen Theo grabs me.

"That was amazing".


He smiles and kisses me.

"Gross! Get a room!"

We break apart and I hide my face in Theo's jacket, while he laughs.

"I told you they liked each other Max!"

Max shakes his head at her but laughs. They are gonna be the cutest couple when they grow older.  

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