Chapter 8

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Georgia's POV:

    "Holy shit it's freezing out here!"

I open my eyes to Memphis screaming and the door slamming shut. Ah, christmas break, which means about 2 weeks away from the hellhole known as Golden Oak High, but also means about two weeks of working at the ranch all day. I snuggle back into my bed to try and get some more sleep, but I know there's no use. I pull on some jeans, my boots, a long sleeve shirt, and stumble down the stairs to the kitchen.

    "Morning" I wave to Miss. Carol who's currently trying to feed Emily

    "Morning darling, I got a call from your mom this morning".

I stop trying to open the milk carton, and listen to Miss. Carol

    "Oh yeah? What'd she say?"

    "She'll be home later than she thought".

I look down and try to hide my disappointment

    "I know baby" she shoots me an apologetic look and then focuses on trying to shove food into Emily's mouth.

    "She won't eat bananas Miss. Carol. No matter how hard ya try".

She laughs and kicks me out of the kitchen telling me to make sure Dakota is up and to start on our chores.

I walk to the barn Dakota should be at today



    "Miss. Carol said to make sure you were up."

    "Well I am". He shoots me a smile and walks into a horse stall.

As i'm about to leave he calls me back

    "Can you grab the blankets? I have a few foals and older horses in here."

    "Yeah I'll be back soon".

About an hour later i've delivered horse blankets to all the barns, for Theo's barn I just drop the blankets off at the front of his barns because I don't want to face him since he saw me in a weak place, now I have to put them on the horses in my barns. I start a rhythm, brush, put the coat on, and lead them out to the pasture while I clean their stalls.

    "Hey, Georgie we're gonna go and get some more hay. We're running a little low".

I nod towards the twins and continue brushing the horse I'm working on. I only have a few more stalls, and I don't have a class today, i'm trying to get out of here quick so Theo doesn't have the time to come and check on me. When I finish I quickly clean up the cleaning supplies and head to the house. Theo should be finishing his barn soon and I don't want to be around for him to see me. I walk back to the house quickly and swiftly. Once I get into view I notice a weird car in the driveway. A part of me hopes its mom and I rush up the steps and inside.

    Instead of seeing my mom, I see my father. A chill runs up my spine, I try to sneak back out the door but of course the door squeaks. He spins to me and follows me outside. I smell the liquor on him, I see the rage in his eyes that the liquor brings.

    "He-hey da-dad whatcha do-doing here?"

He grins, probably liking that he's scared me and takes a step closer to me.

    "I came looking for some of the boys ol stuff, so I can use it for Jax".

    "Who's Jax?" His grin slips

    "Your new baby brother. Are you that dumb? It was only a month ago that I told you". He snarls. I bite my lip to keep the tears in my eyes from spilling down my cheeks. Sometimes my dad does this, he comes around when he's drunk and yells and screams at whoever he corners. It's been awhile since it's been me.

    "I heard what some of the high school kids are saying about you in town. You know how embarrassing that is? Can't believe you turned out to be a whore. Like mother like daughter I guess. Just thought I raised you better".

    He continues to spew insults and I can't hold the tears back any longer. Maybe I am a whore...I mean I do hang out with a lot of guys. Is Jenny right? Will no one ever love me? This is proof that my own flesh and blood doesn't.

    "-Your brothers will be so disappointed-" Before my dad can finish his sentence a figure slips in between us and shoves him away. He looks over his shoulder at me and I realize it's Theo. I'm filled with relief that once again Theo comes to save the day.

Theo's POV:

    I've been trying to find Georgia all day, it's like she's dodging me or something. As i'm about to finish my barn I see her heading back to her house. When I finish, i'm heading to my truck, but at the last second I decide to go and see if Georgia is okay.

When I round the corner of the trees and the main house pops into view I see a random man shouting in Georgia's face. A wave of protectiveness washes over my body, and it grows stronger when I see Georgia wipe away her tears. Without thinking I rush over and push the man away from her, he falls to the ground. I turn around quickly and look at her, tears are still rolling down her cheeks. I turn back to the guy on the ground, whos slowly getting back up. He reeks of cheap booze.

"Sir, I think it's time you leave".

    "Oh, are you one of her many concurs? I knew she was a whore. How long did she wait for you? A day? Two?" he cackles

    I look over my shoulder at Georgia, a fresh wave of tears are falling down her cheeks. I clench my fists, and turn back to the asshole who made her cry. He's still cackling. My fist connects with the sweet spot on the guys jaw.

    "I told nicely once, now get the fuck out". I shake my hand out of the fist form, the guy stands up to leave, but i'm not done just yet. I grab his arm and get in his face, grinning.

    "Hope to see ya again soon, wanna schedule it? I'm sure Memphis and Dakota would love to hear what you have to say about their sister".

    He jerks away from my arm, hops into his car and speeds away. When i'm sure he's gone I turn around and look at Georgia.

    "That was my dad".

I rub the back of my neck, I just punched their dad. In my defense, he totally deserved it.

    "I'm sorry I hit him-"

She cuts me off laughing through the tears "i'm glad you did".

We sit in silence, i'm trying to figure out what to say when she speaks up again.

    "It seems like whenever you see me lately i'm crying. I promise I don't usually cry this much". She tries to smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes. I look at her for a minute, like really look at the girl who's close to tears again.

    "I hate when people lie".

She looks at me confused

    "Your father...he lied to ya"

    "It's fine Theo, i'm fine" She rolls her eyes

    "You may be but i'm not. I'm not fine with the way he talked to you".

    "It happens a lot-" I cut her off by pulling her into a hug

    "I hate how he said your a whore, just because he heard some rumors. I hate how he called you ugly when your the most beautiful girl i've ever laid my eyes on, inside and out". Georgia tries to interrupt me again, but I pull her closer to me so she won't speak.

    "You make everyone seem important, when one kid that your training can't get something right you pull them aside and give them your personal time to help. Your so selfless, I could go on forever and i've only been here for a month or two". I start to pull away from the hug when I duck down closer to her ear

    "Oh and Georgia? I don't lie"

I leave her there and head to my truck.

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