Chapter 10

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Theo's POV:

The hotel room is complete shit, but it's all we can afford so it'll have to do. Right when we walked into the room, Violet climbed into the only bed and knocked out. I look around the room again, a chair, a matching couch, there's a mini fridge with nothing in it, and a small desk. The desk doesn't even have a chair.

"Where the fuck is the bathroom?" Alex looks into the closet

"Down the hall" James says looking in the desk drawers for something

Alex slams the door mumbling something. James finds whatever he was looking and for and starts scribbling in one of his notebooks. He would be the one to do homework at this time. When Alex comes back he looks calmer.

"If we continue to work we can afford this hotel, but we can barely afford food after that, and without a way to our jobs we soon wont have jobs". James rubs his face and throws the notebook towards us. He did the math, and even checked it. Alex sits on the couch, I stay leaning on the wall.

"I know we don't really know them, but....what about Memphis and Dakota?" Alex looks around, to try and get our thoughts from our faces.

"I don't want to bring them into our shi-".

"Would you rather the four of us out on the street in a couple days?"

I rub my face, trying to think. I know this is pretty much our only choice, but we already put one little girl in danger by taking her with us. I glance to Violet sleeping on the bed. I couldn't imagine putting a whole family in the same danger. Then I see an image of sweet little Violet begging for food on the street corner, I shake my head trying to get rid of the thought.

"Yea...your right. Maybe they can give us a ride or something"

Alex nods, James dials one of their numbers.

"I'm gonna get some fresh air" I walk out in to the parking lot and lean against the truck. I wonder what our lives would be like if we grew up normally.

I'm almost asleep when there's a knock at the hotel room door.

"Whos that?"

"Memphis and Dakota probably"

"You told them to come here? It's like 10 at night!" Instead of answering me James just opens the door, and sure enough Memphis and Dakota walk in taking the small room in.

"So what's going on?" Dakota asks, noticing Violet asleep on the bed.

"We need a favor..." Alex begins

They both nod, telling him to go on.

"Well, we uh...we got kicked out of our house, so now we have to stay at the hotel. But we need some help getting to our jobs since we can't walk to them anymore". Alex finishes

"Why didnt yall call when you got kicked out?" Memphis asks

"We were kinda busy" James rubs his neck and makes eye contact with me.

Memphis and Dakota think for a minute.

"What if we get permission for y'all to stay in the guest barn. That way y'alls sister has a constant nanny, and the ranch is like a 20 minute walk from town. We can even all carpool to school".

Alex and James look at me, both of their mouths are open, like they are shocked.

"Don't get me wrong I appreciate the offer but-" I start to decline.

"Memphis, Kota, can y'all excuse us real quick" Alex grabs me by the shoulder and shoves me and James outside. When we get outside Alex and James study me, probably trying to figure out what would make me give up such a great deal.

Little do they know, it's not a what, more of a who.

"What's the problem Theo?"

I tangle my fingers into my hair and tug, trying to wake myself up from this nightmare, that's been my life for a couple years.

"I dont wanna put them in danger". Especially not Georgia.

James and Alex zone out, staring at different parts of the wall.

"We won't...they haven't found us, and it's been months". Alex says

"I dont-I can't..." I try to put my feelings into words

"Theo we know you like Georgia, maybe more than friends, and hell, her brothers are cool as shit. But you gotta trust us man. Ever since that night, you've closed up. With the three of us, and them". James motions towards the room, talking about Memphis and Dakota

"They won't harm a hair on her head". James finishes.

"Violet needs a stable place to live, no pun intended". Alex smiles slightly.

"Yeah your right". I sigh

Georgia's POV:

It's almost midnight and the twins are still not home. I'm starting to get nervous, but I try to focus on the movie, mom and I are watching. I hear the front door open, and way more than two people walk in. Mom pauses the movie. Memphis and Dakota lead Alex, James, and Theo into the room. Theo is carrying a sleeping Violet.

"Ma, we have something to ask you".

Mom motions for Dakota to keep going

"Theo and his siblings need a place to stay and get back on their feet. Memphis and I had the idea to fix up the guest barn for them".

Mom studies the three boys.

"Where are y'alls parents" She finally asks

James, Alex, and Theo look at eachother, it looks like they are talking through their eyes.

"They uh, they been absent for some time now". Theo answers.

I look at Dakota and Memphis to see if they had known this, they don't seem shocked. These three boys took care of Violet, worked, and went to school! Theo catches my eye and smiles, but quickly redirects his stare to mom.

"Yes, the guest house is yours, on one condition".

"Of course anything you need". Alex looks so happy and relieved, like he's about to jump up and down.

"If I need some extra help around the farm, can I count on you boys? Besides Theo, you work here". She laughs, at what she thinks is a joke.

Alex and James nod.

"Who's this cutie?" Mom smiles at Violet, who's still curled into Theo.


"I love that name. Alright here's the plan, tomorrow the triplets will help fix up the guest house. For tonight though, Violet can stay with Emily, two of you could sleep on the couches in the twins room-"

"Sorry to interrupt Ma, but can we have a camp out in one of the barns? Like we used to when we were younger". Dakota bounces up and down on the balls of his feet.

"Sure go for it". Mom laughs and takes Violet upstairs to sleep on a real bed.

"Alright grab as many pillows and blankets as you can carry". Memphis says and dashes upstairs, with me right behind him. 

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