Chapter 7

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Theo's POV:

Memphis steps back and Dakota drops his arms, freeing me from the wall.

    "Sorry about that man". Dakota says

"It's good, I understand how bad it looked" I look the boys in the eyes

"I would never hurt her."

They nod. They both leave the barn. I start to pace the cramped area between the stalls, should I go after Georgia or give her space. I decide to give her space and I go back to my barn to finish up so I can go home.

When I get home Alex is on Violet duty, so I immediately head to the couch and crash.



"GOD DAMMIT THEO ANSWER YOUR FUCKING PHONE". Alex yells from somewhere in the dark room. I feel around for my phone and finally feel it.



    "Meme-" I immediately sit up, worried by the tone of his voice.

    "Its Georgia, she's missing."

    "I'll be there in a minute" I hang up the phone and move around the room, throwing on a random shirt and pants. As i'm about to leave, Alex walks out.

    "Where the hell are you going? It's like one in the morning"

I grab the keys off the counter "Georgia's missing" I take off through the yard, not sneaking around like I normally do. I don't have time tonight, I pray that no one looks out the window.

Memphis and Dakota are waiting at the office when I get there.

    "When did y'all last see her?"

    "Uhh, the whole episode at the barn". Memphis says

    "Why didn't you do anything earlier."

    "Well, we thought she was in her room, but when we found out she wasn't we were not to worried about it because she has a tendency to run away, but she always comes back before the sun sets. She's scared of the dark". Dakota rubs his hands together to gain some heat.

    "Fuck" I rub my face and look around like Georgia will just appear out of nowhere.

    "Dakota and I are gonna check the fields, your gonna check the pond we showed you that one day". Memphis says before we all split off. I hop on a random horse from the nearest barn and go full speed to the path that leads to the pond.

    When I get there I see someone sitting on the edge of the dock, I know it's most likely Georgia but I still walk towards the figure cautiously. It's her, she's laying on the dock shivering. I make sure my steps are loud, so I don't scare her, but she doesn't turn towards me.

    "Jeez Georgia. Do you know how bad you scared us?".

    "T-theo?" She looks terrified, I take my coat off and hold it out for her to put it on, when she does, I sit down next to her, and notice she's still shaking, so I pull her into me. I feel water drop onto my shirt and I look down at Georgia who has tears rolling down her cheeks.

    "Georgia? What's wrong? If you keep crying your tears are gonna freeze on your cheeks".

    "I'm scared". I mentally facepalm, how could I forget that she's scared of the dark?

    "Ok, can you make it back to the ranch?" she nods. I help her up and lead her to the horse.

By the time we get back to the ranch Memphis and Dakota are pacing back and forth and bickering with each other. Once they notice that Georgia is on the back of the horse they run up towards me and her, already pounding her with questions.


    "GUYS" They stop and turn towards me

    "Lets get her to bed."

They nod and they both help Georgia off the horse and I quickly put the horse, who happens to be Victory, back in his stall. Then I jog to catch up with the triplets. When we get to the house the boys ask me to hold the door open, then they carry her up the narrow stairs and I hold her bedroom door open. They put her down on the bed, I grab some blankets and we all back out of the room slowly.

    "Thanks for coming on such short notice" Memphis says ruffling his hair, which I've learned means he's thinking.

    "No problem, I'm glad y'all called". I start to head back to my truck, but Dakota stops me

    "And thanks for telling us about those girls, we'll have a chat with them"

    "Talk with Georgia before y'all do anything. It's her life and like she said it could make it worse".

They both look at eachother but nod in understanding.

    "Night." I wave and make the long walk back to the office.

    "All good?" Alex asks when I walk back in the door a couple hours later

    "Yeah she's good." I yawn

    "What happened? You seemed out of it in school today" James says

I must have woken them both up when I left earlier.

    "Georgia's been getting picked on because some girls think she's blowing their shot at a chance with Georgia's brothers, and most recently us".

    "What's that got to do with her running away?" Alex asks

    "I told her brothers about it...after I said she could trust me and I wouldn't tell anyone" I rub the back of my neck

    "Aw man you messed up Theo" James laughs

    "I lost my temper!" I laugh defending myself

    "YOU? You lost your temper? I could never imagine" Alex grins

I roll my eyes, so what I don't have the best temper in the world. Who does?

    "Yes. I did". I sit on the floor and lean against the wall, closing my eyes.

    "What made you lose it this time mr. hulk?" James asks and sits down next to me

    "She agreed with what the girls were saying about her". I imagine her face when I saw her last, cold and scared. I shake my head trying to get the image out.

    "Theo, you got it bad". Alex smiles


    "Nothing" Alex and James share a look

    "What" I ask again

    "I think we should go back to bed before we wake Violet up"

I nod and crawl over to the pile of blankets and sheets and stuff that I had been sleeping on before. Right when I'm about to fall asleep I hear James and Alex whispering

    "He definitely likes her"

    "I think like is an understatement."

    "It's good to finally see him smile and stuff again."


    "I'm still awake." I say and they both shut up

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