Chapter 19

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Our faces we're moving closer only one inch before our lips would touch and then-

My neighbors dog started barking so it startled me and Chan. We both moved our heads back with obvious pink cheeks. "So um I'll see you next time" Chan said after coughing.
"Yeah see you next time" I said while rubbing the back of my neck and opening my door. 

There stood Seungmin sitting on a rocking couch with a cat on his lap while petting her.
"I've been waiting for you" he said with a voice like the ones in the movies.
"Aish stop trying to be cool Seungmin" I said while rolling my eyes.

The cat jumped off his lap and walked over to me putting his fur on my pants.
"Ughh The cat just shedded on my pants" I said clearly annoyed. I love cats but they shed to much.
"That's what you get for saying I'm not cool" Seungmin said while laughing.

"Oh shut up I'm gonna go sleep oh and I ate Jimin's jams again remember the ones he left here yesterday" I said while pointing at the empty Jam bottle.
"Aish you kid now he has no jams" Hyung said while rolling his eyes.
"Oh well imma go freshen up then take a power nap" I told him while walking to my room.

I grabbed a pair of shorts and a white shirt so I could get changed in the bathroom and not have to walk out half naked. I placed my phone on the desk to charge while I was taking a shower. I made sure to lock the door so no one could get in and took my shower.

When I finished taking my shower I brushed my teeth for a bit then changed my clothes. I took my dirty clothes and walked out of the bathroom to my room. I threw the clothes in a bin and sat on my bed. Thinking about the almost soon to be kiss. I was so close to those perfect lips but that dumb dog just had to bark at the wrong time.

Complaining made me tired slowly my eyes were starting to close up. Soon enough in 2 minutes I was completely knocked out ready for the next day.

So um this chapter might not be good because I was actually out of my house (only for a few minutes though 😂) and forgot about writing. Please Forgive me for forgetting to write I'll make it up to you guys and write a longer chapter for tomorrow! Oh right I didn't forget *spills tea* Anyways please have a good rest of the day!

-Amelia's co-writer

The chapter I had to edit the most (out of all the chaps so far) 😂 but it good Fluffs it good.

- Amelia

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