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Skip if abuse happened to you in the past and if abuse has affected you. You were warned
She smiled widely. It spread all the way across her cheeks, and became so crooked that you could see all of her teeth. I remember they were unattractive white. After a good few seconds of her smile, a laugh grinder it's way out of her throat: a crazy, high pitched laugh that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Highly. I couldn't just stand here and watch her do this. She'd obviously lost it.
She's around you, idiot. Anyone would. You are the dumbest shit I've ever seen. That's why your the lackey.
I'm going to ignore you.
Good luck.
I slowly stood up, put my phone down, and walked over to her. Her eyes were looking at my ceiling, and her laugh was still going. It was as if she didn't need to breathe. I didn't know what to do, so I pulled her head down and stared at her.
Her eyes were jet black.
There was no white, no bloodshot, no humanity in them. They were jet black. I panicked and stumbled back, breathing heavily. What the fuck..? I blinked a few times, just to make sure. No.
She had cocked her head slightly when I fell, watching my moves like a bird watches it's prey.
"What's wrong?" She asked innocently.
"Y-your ey-eyes!" I shouted, pointing.
"What about them?" She calmly replied, looking for a mirror. I quickly got up and grabbed my phone. I gave it to her, and she just looked at them and laughed again.
"This is me!" She shouted, still laughing crazily.
She's almost as bad as you. Almost.
Gripping her arms, I looked at them again. She shook her head slightly, and the mist cleared from them. There were the eyes I recognise....
"Anna..?" I asked cautiously, looking deeply into her eyes, trying to find something to latch onto.
"... yeah? Is there a problem? Why are you holding my hands..?" She asked slowly, freeing herself of my grip. I let my hands drop, relieved.
"You, uh, lost it there for a second." I said as casually as possible, whilst looking at my phone.
She'd taken a photo.
Those eyes stared into my soul, promising a lot of things. Promising pain, misery, and even misjudgment. But the thing they really pushed, was murder.

I put everything in halt and sent her to bed. I felt like a disappointed father, but I couldn't see her until I processed  what I'd seen throughout. The way she suddenly changed... shit. What have I gotten myself into? She just changed entirely. What..? How?

I can only hope that she kills us in our sleep, that would be a detective end
Actually fuck off. Please.
I know who did it. It's obvious. It's just if I tell you, you wouldn't believe me.
Try me.
Im not going to tell you! Where's the fun in that one? :)

I fell asleep on the couch, rising to the daylight streaming in. Anna was up, as I could hear things rattling in the kitchen. I'm guessing she's making something to eat until I hear the drawer trip and her gasp. I jump up like I've been shot and dash in to see her sitting at the table, nonchalantly sitting there. Seemed rather ominous.
"You okay?" I said approaching. I heard something. There's no way that nothing happened. I looked over and saw a hit in the drawer. It was slanted slightly.
"When did that happen?" I said walking towards it, inspecting it for any serious damage.
Anna suddenly burst into tears
"I'm so sorry! Please don't hurt me!" She said, cowering in her chair and covering her face. Her sleeves on her shirt came down slightly to reveal a brown bruise.

Did I do that?

"Did I hit you!?" I questioned her, backing up to show I was no harm. She put her hands down slightly so I could see the top of her eyes. They scoured me, making sure, and answered:
"no, of course not. You wouldn't do that to me...would you?"
"Of course I wouldn't! You are a guest here, I wouldn't dream of it." I said calmly. She relaxed almost immediately, reforming her original body image.
"T-that's good to hear." I heard her say under her breath.
"I'm going to go up to my room for a while. I'll see you soon." I heard her say as she ascended the stairs two at a time. I took her place at the table, and put my head in my hands.

What happened?

Nothing happened for the next week. Things were awkward at home. Anna's account was refunded with money, as was mine. We went about our daily routines as if nothing happened.

Red's funeral came. And went. I don't want to talk about it. It was a sad event, but I held myself together. Anna offered to come with me, but I refused. Sometimes things are better faced on your own.

The school was starting to worry: two of its students had died. One at the school, and another outside of it. This want a coincidence. There were no coincidences.
Someone is gonna diiiieee sooooon!
Let's hope it's not us...
Boring. You are SO boring
If being boring keeps me alive, then I'm gonna be boring for as long as possible.

School rocked around, as it does. Ive walked through the gates so many times alone I've almost gotten use to it. I rounded the corner to an emptier part of the school for some quiet, when I noticed Lester was there, clutching a pink note with a Purple Heart on the front of it. From my view, it looked like a love letter. Huh. I wonder who would send him something like that? I stayed where I was, behind the wall, when I saw someone come around the corner.

It was Grey

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