Just Call Me Easy Abbie

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I guess your all wondering why they call me Easy Abbie?. Well that's a simple answer "Abbie" is my real name short for Abigail and "Easy" I guess they are trying to imply that I am Easy basically a "slut". Well it's their words not mine. But don't worry it doesn't bother me, I am used to it now. In simple words "I go with the flow".

Back to 2001~Let me tell you how my name came to be "Easy Abbie". So I was only 16 at the time and I began dating someone who at the time I thought was my first love potentially "the love of my life". Yes I was that cringe! Ohh BOOHOO! Don't judge it's not like you all haven't been there! "having a first love, not understanding the proper definition of love but falling in love either way. Giving your all to that one specific guy thinking you will live happily ever after with him. All that cr*p you see in Disney movies & sh*t. Anyways, back to the story I started dating a guy called Derek. Him & I dated for 1 year and as much it pains me to say this he was my first love and the love of my life. "I was deeply in love with him, heard over heels" As they say. (Young St*p*d Love).

After a year Let's just say Derek wanted to take things further "In his own words he wanted to knock me out". He's reasons was like "he feels left out, all his friends were doing it with their girlfriends expect us". To me this just screamed " peer pressure" which most people today go through. I mean don't get me wrong I freaking liked, loved, fancied Derek. I mean he was every girls dream, he was (tall, muscular, hot bod, nice straight white teeth) & he was in the basketball team. He pretty much tick all the boxes. It wasn't easy to get him as my boyfriend. It took a lot of cat fights & R.I.P.P.I.N.G a couple b*tch*s hair!!. But no matter how much I liked it, it wasn't enough for me to loose my V (cookie) to him. I mean I wanted my first time to be special. Don't get me wrong I wasn't expecting horses & carriages or roses & petals or anything like that. I wanted it to be a nice special intimate moment just between the 2 of us and definitely not at the back of the school trip bus like Derek suggested.

Cut long story short "I turned down Derek's offer" No matter how drop d**d Gorgeous he was, My self respect, divinity and pride mattered the most, besides I wanted it to be special. & Thank God!! I didn't change my mind cause the next day Derek "dumb me" his pride and ego obviously mattered the most to him than me. & To boost even more of he's Ego he went around school telling everyone that, In his exact words "him & I f**k*d at the back of the school trip bus. At least he said one nice thing about me which was "the obvs fake s*x was good". After this I became the talk of the whole school. Rephrase that actually, I became the "talk of the town". I become other people's hero well especially to the sl*tty girls where'as to the "pretend to be innocent & all holly girls I became the "biggest sl*t in Derby". Before my name was Abigail but after that I became "Easy Abbie". I suddenly started to get all the attention from the boys. In their own words "I was a goer" . Boys started buying me clothes, food, etc everything you could think off). Some even asking me to f**k them in the most wildest & illegal places.

The only nice thing about the attention was getting free things & stuff. I mean who can turn anything free down especially food, clothes etc? Not me that's for sure. I decided to just make the most out of it while obviously still being elegant not give the (V) cookie to anyone. I didn't even bother explain or try to defend myself. Not because I liked the attention but I knew no one would believe me especially when dating every women dream boy Derek. I didn't even bother to confront Derek either about his lies, in which came to his surprise. However ever since then he wasn't the only one that made lies about me. I have heard all sorts of lies that has been said about me "some are better not repeated otherwise they will scar for life". I guess I decided I didn't give a F**k anymore, I decided to became a "sl*t" without acting like one or doing anything.

Fk Abigail was a boring name anyways. Just call me "Easy Abbie".

The End.

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