Chapter 16: The Day After the Wedding

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Cassie's Pov
It's the day after the wedding and honestly last night went pretty well. Besides the little moment Chad got mad at me for inviting John, to our wedding. Last night I was a little nervous as it was my first time post-partum, making love. It was amazing and I should have never been nervous.

"Baby lets spend the day with Christian since we are leaving for our honeymoon tomorrow," I said. "What do you want to do," Chad asked after he kissed my forehead. "We can just stay in and let Christian see some of his toys, he really loves the light up ones," I said thinking about my son. "Okay my love, I'll go get him from my parents. Be back soon... tell Francesco to make breakfast," he said. "What do you want to eat?" I said while getting off the bed to kiss Chad and go to the kitchen. "Have him make crepes and eggs, he said grabbing me by the waist and kissing me again.

I went downstairs loving the way Chad has been treating me. I think he has finally changed for the better. I was happy as I can't take another minute of crazy Chad. "Good morning Francesco," I said. "Good morning bella, what can I get you for breakfast," he asked. "Chad wants crepes and eggs and I'd like the same." "Right away bella," Francesco said.

I went to the guest room to see Chad talking to his parents. His mom was holding baby Christian while smiling. I walked into the room and said a quick good morning to my in-laws. "Good morning dear, how did you sleep," Isabella asked? "Great! I can't believe it's my first day as a married woman. I sort of want to take Christian with us on our honeymoon though." I said on the verge of tears. Isabella stood up hugging me. "Nonsense dear, Christian will be fine with grandma and grandpa. It's only 2 weeks... why you could call us on that "sky" thing you use to see people. "Skype mom," Chad said. I laughed at how cute his mom was.

After breakfast we took Christian to the living room with his baby toys in there.
"Mommy loves you so much. Who's mommies favorite boy? You are that's right baby," I said to my son. He loves every word I say. I swear he is just laughing and smiling so wide.

"Daddy can't wait to have more of you. Isn't that right mommy," Chad asked? "Maybe in a few years. I kind of want to spend as much time with him, as possible. I want to give him the love, he wouldnt be able to get if we had another. "You better get use to the thought of having another," Chad said. Omg... he is seriously getting mad because I don't want another child so soon, I thought. "Ok baby," I said hoping we could drop this subject before his rage comes out. We played with Christian for awhile until he fell asleep.

"I can't wait to see the Island where is it located at?" Altamer resort is located on the island of Anguilla in the eastern Caribbean Sea," Chad said. "You will love it my love!" He said. "I know I will baby."

It was now time to sleep. Tomorrow we will take his private jet to the island. I can't believe, me out of all people get to go to an Island so luxurious as this. Let alone it being my first time flying in a private jet, I thought to myself. My life seems so surreal.

The next morning I woke feeling well rested and ready for my trip. I was sad I will be leaving my baby for so long tho. I hugged my son's tiny figure as I picked him up and kissed him. "Mommy will be back soon my sweet boy. I will make sure to bring you a teddy bear back. It will be your first, out of the country, gift from mommy," I said. "It's time to go my love, time to put another baby in you," Chad said. With the last portion of words being barely audible. I kissed Christian again and too him to Isabella.

"Don't be sad dear, he's in good hands," Isabella said reasurring me. We said our goodbyes and let to the private jet.
"My love... why the long face. You should be happy, its our honeymoon," Chad said. "I just... I just never been away from him," I said crying. "Your so dramatic," Chad said. I continue to cry the whole ride to the jet. Chad is full on ignoring me this honeymoon is going to be awful," I thought to myself.

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