12. Morning mishaps

Start from the beginning


"I am going to meet Manish Malhotra over there!!" I flashed him a plastic smile and did the rest of the job of freeing myself from him and scuttling out of the bed to lock myself in the washroom.

The very next minute, I unlocked the door and adjusting my face between the plank and the doorjamb, I shouted out aloud- "Wake up your daughter too... she takes atleast half an hour to come out of her dream world!!"

With this, the door was banged close again.

Finishing my morning chores along with the much planned hot shower, took me exact thirty minutes and I wrapped myself in a light blue bathrobe (the other one was pink and I deliberately left it for Dev, knowing how he would crib for its 'girlish' colour) and stepped out of the washroom, seriously hoping that my husband was still struggling with his daughter to wake her up.

I so wanted to taunt him some more, but I guess luck was not in my support. Thats why when I came out so gleefully, I found him and his daughter lying over their backs and watching Sinchan on the 32' inches led screen ahead, with all their teeth flashed out in the open.

A scene, I had been dying to witness since the past three years!

"Umm...whats going on here?" I cleared my throat and asked them softly.

-"Princess was teaching me about Sinchan Nohara and his sister... err.. what was her name?" He nudged Coco to flourish him with the informations again.

"Offo daddy!" Coco slapped her forhead in a dramatic way and murmured the answer sadly- "Its Himabari, daddy."

-"Oh yes. Himabari." Dev grinned proudly like a first year medical student who had successfully learnt all the names of drugs administered for common flue and influenza.

He was such a child!

-"So his sister's name is Himabari and his mom's name is Mitzy and his...."

"She was teaching you about the characters and you were teaching her that how to wake up in the morning and sit infront of the t.v without even brushing or doing rest of the important works. Isn't it Dev?" I charged him sharply with my hands crossed across the breast.

Once again he looked at the bends of hands and lost his speech momentarily. It was the second day he was repeating this stupid act and I kept wandering why.

Oh! Maybe he was somewhat arroused with this posture of mine!! The idea clicked me suddenly and no sooner it did, I removed my hands in a jiffy and gasped embarrassedly, obviously looking everywhere else other than his poignant, enegmatic eyes.

-"Err...its nothing like that Tara.." he began slutteringly and I rolled my eyes. If it was not what I was thinking, then what was it like? Wait. Was he going to tell me that I had failed decoding his eye language? I wandered cluelessly, until he decided to have some mercy on me. "....Actually its her holidays going na so I thought why all this unwanted burden?! She should better enjoy her days before her normal, boring routine starts all over again." He said casually.

"Excuse me?" I was plain flusttered.

-"No...I was saying that.."

"Stop" I ordered in a threateningly cold voice turning towards my baby, I said to her- "Go to the washroom, Coco....daddy is coming. He is going to help you with your brushie today."

"And poo?" She asked back innocently.

"Yeah, poo too." I nodded. "Now go."

Rightly judging my temper, she didn't waste anymore time and ran for the washroom while Dev kept gaping at my face with his mouth hanging open and eyes almost popping out of his sockets.

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